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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
Based on feedback from other Inspiring members, I signed up today for BBOnline. We'll see how it works for us over the next 12 months, but they've made a great first impression by getting my page up and running even over the busy July 4th weekend.
Hmmmm I didn't know folks still even used them. I haven't done an inn search in a long they come up high in Google? Hmmm so I went back and googled our town bed and breakfast...they are no where to be found:-( Even worse no inn are even listed on their site and the closest one to our town is about 30 miles away. Guess no one here puts much stock in them now????
It came up nice for me on BBOnline once I put in the right county. So subtract one from the number they give you for how many you get. There are eight from our town on it. I like how they send them to your own website. I used it to research inns for sale all the time, etc.
I listed with them for a few years but the return wasn't there so I've opted out.