Fun times at Gillum House OQ

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May 22, 2008
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DD asked what to get dear old for Father's Day. I told her I had planned to get him a bluetooth but she could if she wanted. He has a flip phone (he has moved into the modern world) and as he deteriorates it is starting to get difficult to open it so I thought a bluetooth would be easier.
SHE determined a headset would be easier for him. It was so funny watching him yesterday when the package arrived. He is bald and has an odd-shaped dome. It kept sliding off his head. Today I took it and his phone to the provider to have them pair it (if I do it he would question if it was done right). It has been a circus. Just for giggles, I had him put on a bluetooth of mine - I think I was right - it is easier for him to use it and it will speak to him when it goes on and again when he turns it off. The headset gives tones, but he never had it on his head when turning it on or off.
It has been very difficult to keep a straight face. At this point, he is still willing to try the headset.
I remember seeing my dad's face when my sister told him she was going to buy a bluetooth.
I've mentioned before that a couple of years ago my then-90-year-old mother was worrying that she was missing out on the world and told me to buy her a google or a facebook so she can see what all the fuss is about.
I eventually set her up with a Facebook account and a used iPad. She lasted about a week with it before she gave it back to me and said she didn't have time for it. She's too busy watching Judge Judy.
My dad decided at 60 that football was too much for him at church picnics with a "If you can't run with the pups anymore, sit in the lawn chair and watch!" Last Thanksgiving he (66) decided to give Candy Crush a try while the younger generation was play it. He, of course, lost his first try. As the sign came up, he shouts, "What? You fail! Give up?!?!?" Then the next sign came up, "What?!? Retreat? (retry) Never!!!!!!!!!!"
We have 2 rooms tonight (paying) and the third is a friend from band. The guests had not arrived by the time Cathy & I had to leave for rehearsal. As we were getting ready to tune, I remembered I had forgotten to tell Himself to find out what time is breakfast so I called - third try he answered because he was talking to the guests. The ladies were on the porch when we got back. It was 1:10 AM when we stopped talking. I now have the table set and will toddle off to bed. Breakfast is at 9 so I can sleep until 6:30. As late as it is, baked oatmeal will be on the table tomorrow this morning.