You know who you are.. (purposely or would that be purposefully left off that last dot dot dot)
Don't you just notice that stuff whenever you go? I'm forever excusing myself to straighten pictures.It's nice to know there are some worse than I am. Getting the TP just right is a biggie with me, and getting the ties on the robes in the closet the same length.
I just call it attention to detail, not an obsession. Like re-reading my posts 3 times or more before clicking Save (just scrolled down to make sure the word on the button really is Save), then reading them again after I post, and STILL finding typos!! Drives me crazy.
But crazy in a good way. I certainly understand the focus group subject wanting to come back tomorrow!
In the days before Swirt gave us a spellchecker, I used to copy my posts to WordPerfect, spell check them, then copy them back here. Attention. To. Detail..