Right, I have all the cells separate. So, I need to put them into Word? Will any Word program work or only the more recent editions?.
Should work with any prgm, you didn't say what version of excel. So it should convert it over for you. If you have word, go in and look at a tutorial/help on MAIL MERGE. It is super easy, I haven't done it for a half dozen years, and would have to be there to do it and show you. But I did it often with legal contracts from mailing lists we took from our database and first excel, then word mail merge.emspiers said:Right, I have all the cells separate. So, I need to put them into Word? Will any Word program work or only the more recent editions?
Open WORDIt needs to be done in Word because that's the program that will format it to print correctly on labels.
When you're done with the XLS file, open Word (any recent version should work), go to Tools>Letters and Mailings>Mail Merge Wizard. Fill everything out to get the right size labels, then in the "Select Recipients" step, click "existing list" and then browse for your XLS file. As long as everything's in separate columns and labeled in the header, should be pretty easy.
Try the Help if you get stuck--it's normally pretty helpful..