One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.Yikes! A little snow won't hurt anyone!
We are booked solid for NYE. Had one woman ask for a discount. Before we could even think about it, the room booked out from under her. Giggle..
We are also looking forward to quiet time.One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.Yikes! A little snow won't hurt anyone!
We are booked solid for NYE. Had one woman ask for a discount. Before we could even think about it, the room booked out from under her. Giggle..
I have every room but one filled. We are closed in April.One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.Yikes! A little snow won't hurt anyone!
We are booked solid for NYE. Had one woman ask for a discount. Before we could even think about it, the room booked out from under her. Giggle..
Have never tried it but have been tempted. Good to know it works.Odd. No snow predicted here.....
Have a dozen rooms booked the next few days.
5 out of 6 already booked for NYE.
Update: We are now full for NYE and am so excited because I ran a FBook Ad for $5.00 a day, and know for a fact that at least 3 rooms were via that!!! (Plus we got a bunch of new page likes and over 100 post likes).
And now, a last minute rez is not answering messages and is 4 hours late. Roads are horrible up here. I just want to know if I should sand and salt the entire driveway or forget about it!.
I should forget about it...wrong date booked.Morticia said:And now, a last minute rez is not answering messages and is 4 hours late. Roads are horrible up here. I just want to know if I should sand and salt the entire driveway or forget about it!
It's just rain -- and wind -- out here at the end of our peninsula....And now, a last minute rez is not answering messages and is 4 hours late. Roads are horrible up here. I just want to know if I should sand and salt the entire driveway or forget about it!.
It's just rain -- and wind -- out here at the end of our peninsula....And now, a last minute rez is not answering messages and is 4 hours late. Roads are horrible up here. I just want to know if I should sand and salt the entire driveway or forget about it!.
Rain here now but it snowed all day. Sheet of ice out there. No wind. Glad the guest had the wrong night in case the wind does pick up.OnTheShore said:It's just rain -- and wind -- out here at the end of our peninsula....
It's just rain -- and wind -- out here at the end of our peninsula....And now, a last minute rez is not answering messages and is 4 hours late. Roads are horrible up here. I just want to know if I should sand and salt the entire driveway or forget about it!.
.Rain here now but it snowed all day. Sheet of ice out there. No wind. Glad the guest had the wrong night in case the wind does pick up.OnTheShore said:It's just rain -- and wind -- out here at the end of our peninsula....
Snowing like a bandit now. Someone leaned on the bell around 10pm and disappeared before anyone could get to the door. No car and no footprints on the sidewalk. Could see where they stood on the porch, down the stairs, then nothing. Must have cut across the lawn.Morticia said:Rain here now but it snowed all day. Sheet of ice out there. No wind. Glad the guest had the wrong night in case the wind does pick up.OnTheShore said:It's just rain -- and wind -- out here at the end of our peninsula....
One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.Yikes! A little snow won't hurt anyone!
We are booked solid for NYE. Had one woman ask for a discount. Before we could even think about it, the room booked out from under her. Giggle..
I think I hear Mort's fireworks celebrating her off time!Morticia said:One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.
One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.Yikes! A little snow won't hurt anyone!
We are booked solid for NYE. Had one woman ask for a discount. Before we could even think about it, the room booked out from under her. Giggle..
.I think I hear Mort's fireworks celebrating her off time!Morticia said:One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.
Fireworks gone off already! But, 3 rooms booked so I have to get up tomorrow.Copperhead said:I think I hear Mort's fireworks celebrating her off time!Morticia said:One room for NYE. Other places full. I'm just happy we're closing for 7 weeks in 3 days. I'm so ready to not think about work.