BH- I am absolutely sympathetic to your pang. We just began a super long break after a long stretch of being very busy. I can not imagine what would happen if we didn't have that carrot out there in front of us. Now that it's here, we'll have the time we need to travel, gather new stories to share, get some projects done, give the inn a shakedown, and recharge our batteries. November will be here very soon..
I looked at the booking calendar and noticed two Mondays in September with no bookings. Told DH to block them. He could use a day off.
TheBeachHouse said:
I looked at the booking calendar and noticed two Mondays in September with no bookings. Told DH to block them. He could use a day off.
That works! We have friends who were totally burnt out the first year they were open. I got emails, tearful phone calls, etc asking how did we cope with the awful guests. I looked at their calendar and ours and told them to block two days, we were going on vacation! We did and they said it was amazing to realize they could do that. It helped them a lot just knowing it was possible to take care of themselves in that way.
Now we realize it's very important to take care of ourselves.
And from all accounts you have done a very good job this year! I am sure you are tired, but you are not burnt toast....good for you. We have also learned how to pace our selves....and as we have slowed down (now finishing our 26th year as innkeepers) we have limited the bookings and pace of the work here.
For the first time we were not open all winter in 2015, we blocked out substantial time for ourselves in the spring to get the place in shape, and we are closing the house as of TODAY!
So...instead of busting my butt cleaning to get ready for new arrivals, I harvested the garden, made pesto and we are heading out for a nice celebration dinner. Weekly guests in the cottage are leaving Sunday with returning guests taking their place.
I think I am going to like this pace!