No matter how many times you tell 'em, somebody's gonna do it. I just spent 5 hours last night disassembling a sewage system to find the mouse that some girl flush. The "hunt" for the offending item required that I had to disassemble a vacuum pump to discover it's not there. I removed four duckbills to discover it's not there. I vacuumed all of the discharge lines to discover it wasn't there. Then, lastly, the big job - I had to completely remove the toilet, seals, and discharge plates to find that it was stuck in the hose. So, I had to remove the entire hose, cut it and re-engineer a new fitting into place since the hose had been destroyed at the spot of the where the clog was.
When the group got there on Sunday, I TOLD THEM that if they do it, I will dig it out and I will mail it back to the offender (and if the person who made the booking didn't figure out which one of her girlfriends it was, then she would get the present), and that it's not the first time I've done that. That's my policy; I spell it out up front; and although it will kill any potential for repeat business, I already know that I don't want repeats of people like that. Oh...and they will also get the repair bill. Marine labor runs $100/hour no matter what the job is.
Five hours into it, and I have retrieved the object, and still need to re-seat the toilet, re-assemble the pump and put it all back together.
All I need now is a stamp.