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When my fairly new water heater went out on a weekend and we were full, the service guy went way and beyond. My dh spent alot of time with him and saw what extremes he went to making sure we had hot water. Plus he called dh at 10pm that night to make sure it was still working.
Dh bought a gift certificate to a restaurant that he knew the tech would like and took it to his work place on Monday to get his full name and put it on the certificate for him. The tech called him to thank him.
When my fairly new water heater went out on a weekend and we were full, the service guy went way and beyond. My dh spent alot of time with him and saw what extremes he went to making sure we had hot water. Plus he called dh at 10pm that night to make sure it was still working.
Dh bought a gift certificate to a restaurant that he knew the tech would like and took it to his work place on Monday to get his full name and put it on the certificate for him. The tech called him to thank him..
Side track alert...I always tipped my electrician when we were doing all these renovations in baked goods. That was his choice. "Where are the bakeds??" lol...
When my fairly new water heater went out on a weekend and we were full, the service guy went way and beyond. My dh spent alot of time with him and saw what extremes he went to making sure we had hot water. Plus he called dh at 10pm that night to make sure it was still working.
Dh bought a gift certificate to a restaurant that he knew the tech would like and took it to his work place on Monday to get his full name and put it on the certificate for him. The tech called him to thank him..
hawley said:
When my fairly new water heater went out on a weekend and we were full, the service guy went way and beyond. My dh spent alot of time with him and saw what extremes he went to making sure we had hot water. Plus he called dh at 10pm that night to make sure it was still working.
Dh bought a gift certificate to a restaurant that he knew the tech would like and took it to his work place on Monday to get his full name and put it on the certificate for him. The tech called him to thank him.
My DH is also a carpenter besides restaurant manager. He tipps workmen also when they put in long hours to get the job done, to go get a few beers and dinner.
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I think it's really a personal preference - if you like the service and feel like tipping, leave a tip. If you don't, don't be surprised if you're the last person to get your drink refilled, but they'll always be nice to you and make you feel welcomed - tip or no tip!