Here are some more stats (none of these verified at all fyi and are at odds with the first post, so there ya go):
[COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)]Over 50% of Americans over 18 years of age drink coffee every day. This represents over 150 million daily drinkers. 30 million American adults drink specialty coffee beverages daily; which include a mocha, latte, espresso, café mocha, cappuccino, frozen/iced coffee beverages, etc.[/COLOR]
Coffee statistics show that among coffee drinkers the average consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day.
[FONT= 'Times New Roman']
[/FONT][FONT= 'Times New Roman'] [/FONT][FONT= 'Times New Roman']Women indicated that drinking coffee is a good way to relax. Men indicated that coffee helps them get the job done[/FONT]
The average price for an espresso based drink is $2.45[/td][/tr][tr] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr] [/td]
The average price for brewed coffee is $1.38.[/td][/tr][/table]
35% of coffee drinkers prefer black coffee[/td][/tr][tr] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr]
65% prefer to add sugar and/or cream[/td][/tr][/table].