Cloud beds na

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud beds na - have you introduced yourself as a representative of this company? It's a good idea to do that as otherwise it really looks like your comments are just a way to get your company name and link to show up 15 times/day.
Possibly explain what your company does, why you're excited about the product and offer to answer questions related to said product. (Yes, I see where you posted a reference on the product.)
What I'm looking for is a truth in advertising statement from you. Your profile doesn't contain any info about who you are or that you work for the company you're so happily flogging here.
Hi Mort,
When I arrived here and signed up, I immediately introduced myself, and I posted Cloudbeds information in the content section (Resource - Link). What I do is completely transparent and listed in my signature - plus there's my username. I did add a link to the software in the Resources area since it's a) a very popular package for inns and B&Bs, and b) it was noticeably absent from the list. The only link in my signature is to my email address though if that makes someone here uncomfortable, I can remove it. I've participated in many forums, they each have their own rules and culture. I read and reviewed the rules for this forum before I joined, and thought I was following protocol but perhaps I missed something. I'm new, and I hope you can forgive my blundering. In any case, I have not linked to my company website in any of my posts and do not intend to, and I am not here to sell anything. Thank you!
Sounds good to me. :welcome:.
Thanks for the welcome, Arks! I really enjoy your posts. Everyone here seems really engaged - and they all seem to be smart, generous innkeepers. I'm really honored to be here.

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