so another frost warning ... out i go to the garden in the back of my sister's house (i'm house sitting) to pick all the beans i can.
go back to the house and the back screen door with metal grill has shut fast. no key. no cell phone. i walk around the kitchen, knowing that many of the storm windows are not closed around the house. just the screens are down. with hardly a blink, i am able to push up a screen and open a window. there is a table just inside the window with an old 'boom box' radio on it which i let fall to the floor. i push a plastic lawn chair up to the house but i'm reluctant to try to climb through the window which is shoulder high when i'm standing on the chair.
i cross my fingers and set out to the neighboring houses looking for a fit, good semaritan, someone i know, who will climb through the window for me and let me in the house. BINGO! i find one.
my hero. he's through the window in a flash and lets me in. chats a minute and leaves.
you know what i'm thinking now. it was SO EASY for someone to get into the house. someone could be breaking in without 'breaking' a thing. now i've got to go around and close all the storm windows.
... soon as i blanche and freeze the damn beans!
just a reminder
go back to the house and the back screen door with metal grill has shut fast. no key. no cell phone. i walk around the kitchen, knowing that many of the storm windows are not closed around the house. just the screens are down. with hardly a blink, i am able to push up a screen and open a window. there is a table just inside the window with an old 'boom box' radio on it which i let fall to the floor. i push a plastic lawn chair up to the house but i'm reluctant to try to climb through the window which is shoulder high when i'm standing on the chair.
i cross my fingers and set out to the neighboring houses looking for a fit, good semaritan, someone i know, who will climb through the window for me and let me in the house. BINGO! i find one.
my hero. he's through the window in a flash and lets me in. chats a minute and leaves.
you know what i'm thinking now. it was SO EASY for someone to get into the house. someone could be breaking in without 'breaking' a thing. now i've got to go around and close all the storm windows.
... soon as i blanche and freeze the damn beans!
just a reminder