John, I had my wonderful webmaster put it on my site and it's pretty cool. I don't know how to say this, but I guess you have to keep updating the widget to get the most current reviews? I was not a fan that it took folks away from my site either, but felt that most would look at the brief note & be satisfied. People are always in a rush! Thank YOU though for fixing it so that doesn't happen...I'll have it changed when the new widget goes live.
Dang, we are lucky we have the Grand Poobah Swirt here!!!.
Samster said:
John, I had my wonderful webmaster put it on my site and it's pretty cool. I don't know how to say this, but I guess you have to keep updating the widget to get the most current reviews? I was not a fan that it took folks away from my site either, but felt that most would look at the brief note & be satisfied. People are always in a rush! Thank YOU though for fixing it so that doesn't happen...I'll have it changed when the new widget goes live.
Dang, we are lucky we have the Grand Poobah Swirt here!!!
No problem - as far as updating it, it updates itself - so no worry about doing that. Once you have it live on your site it checks for new reviews. Just don't forget that if you see a review you do not like, you can go into IKA and check the box to make sure it does not show on your site.
Swirt has been an invaluable resource to us at as well - a number of our latest Rezo GT updates were based on his feedback, as was a good deal of the design of our availability calendar.
He also had a big part in convincing us a ways back to go to direct links from and get rid of any redirect tracking, among other things on the site.
Greatly appreciate it!