Aspiring Innkeeper Couple looking for live-in opportunity

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Jul 28, 2015
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My husband and I (and our 7 year old daughter) dream of one day relocating to New England and starting our own Inn or purchasing one. Until our finances are in order to make the leap, we would love nothing better than to find a salaried, "live-inn" couple's position.
There are very few opportunities like this out there but I was hoping maybe someone on here would have an idea of where I may find an opportunity like this, aside from anything you find easily on google, that is. I have our resumes listed on monster, indeed, hcareers and linkedin to name a few. I'm not sure where to go from here since we live in PA and can't visit locally anywhere in New England unless it's a serious interview option.
Also, I just found this site tonight, I'm pretty excited to be on here! Thank you!
You could try to win a B & B in Virginia for $150 and an essay. There are some for sale in PA, too. Try B & B websites under jobs....there are a few. There are a bunch of us here from New England as well..
A few websites might have some opportunities for you - has help wanted listings,along with and
Check out the Stonewall Jackson Inn Harrisonburg VA. They always are looking for live in innkeepers but don't know if there would be space for a child??? Not sure it is salaried either.
Honestly, it will probably be very tough to get a position with a 7 year old. Not only are living quarters usually not large enough, but the dynamic of having a child and all that goes along with that is more difficult. If I were looking, I'd want just a couple because I've lived the life of raising two kids while running a B&B. I'm waiting right now on guests to arrive for breakfast (thus why I'm sitting on computer by the wall they come down the hall). My 13 year old daughter is teaching tennis at 9:15 to the rec department kids. I'm the chef and my husband is the server. One of us has to leave to get her to tennis before 9:00 and then rush back. Just one example of a crazy morning here at the B&B because of our kids' schedules. Good luck, maybe try to focus on a B&B that is family friendly too so your child isn't the only one there all the time.
Why relocate? PA has second most b&b's, and lower cost of living. And knowledge of area is critical, which you are tossing away.

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