I need that coffee, Puss - none roasted so am forced to Keurig as I try to catch up from 4 days away. Himself wants to go out to lunch, have a rez coming in Saturday that phoned while I was away and Himself did NOT turn away even though we are going to HIS event Sunday (got them to agree to an early breakfast after which I am leaving and they can leave whenever they want), have to arrange a transfer of funds to broker from dd's account so my brother can make her more money, and change password since he froze the account with too many tries.
I did make it home from the Conference in time for the UK online meeting this morning. and have just now, managed to catch up on e-mails. Trying to set up a lunch Sunday with a friend and Himself is NOT happy about my plan to drop him off & go see her and will not (as of now) tell me what he wanted me to do at this motorcycle event (no ride in a sidecar possible).
Please enjoy your day, Anon, for both of us. The Conference was City stuff so was busy most of the time, but did NOT have to look after Himself so I guess it was a vacation.