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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. M

    We give away too much

    We used to have add ons for chocolate and champagne and got some takers. But because we put it in after the guests head out for dinner, we'd have to wait around and see them leave then get into their room and set it all up. It became more of a problem taking up my dinner time. So instead I...
  2. M

    Keep warm friends

    We had this happen twice with temps below or just above freezing. Everyone was freezing eating breakfast. We installed door closers because of this and at least it will always close over if not latch all the way.
  3. M

    Thank goodness I got up early

    Last week I asked a guest what time they'd be arriving because they had left it blank. Explained my son had a local basketball game and he was starting varsity so I wanted to see if they'd be here so I could run up and watch it. They emailed back saying they'd be here between 4-7 but could not...
  4. M

    Getting stressful around here

    Funny, we mentioned to guests over New Year's who have a standing 3-4 night reservation with us for every NYE that we were doing some updates. She jokingly told me to send her the samples as she'd have to approve any changes because she loves it exactly as it is.
  5. M

    State Tax Done no thanks to Air

    I would recommend Air to everyone -- the listing is free, the % they take is so small and you don't have to pay credit card fees, etc. The money is always there when they say it will be. You can decide to accept or decline a reservation as well. I've done 3 reservations in the last 3 weeks...
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    Getting stressful around here

    Been at this 10 years and still keep dumping money back into the business (which we built brand new). We don't think of it as keeping some of our money, we keep thinking in 3-5 years when we go to sell it it will be worth so much more. And during those 5 years we're paying off the mortgage so...
  7. M

    What is your favorite breakfast for one couple?

    When it's just one couple, I ask them what time they'd like to eat and then give them a couple choices of entree to start with. They love feeling special and then I'm sure that they'll love what they get. Can't do it when there are 18 guests.
  8. M

    Snow Storm Updates

    I'm in ski country and we're getting NOTHING. I'd gladly take 30" … too bad it doesn't fall where it's wanted! Stay safe.
  9. M

    Is lobster vegan?

    Absolutely not vegan -- the poor little lobster is being murdered for their enjoyment!!!! Seriously, vegans that have stayed with us don't want any dairy or even honey (although the cow or bee isn't being killed to provide it). They'd prefer maple syrup or agave nectar for the sweetener...
  10. M

    Freebies for longer stays

    We do 5% off for a 3 night stay, 10% off for stays of 4 or more nights (this is April - mid Sept) when most guests stay 2 nights and I encourage them to stay another. Many guests have said that this offer and a list showing all they could do in the area worked. Don't give away 50% if you don't...
  11. M

    Service cat????

    Totally agree. I'm highly allergic to cats and if I see one on a website, I move right along to find somewhere else. I don't want to spend my vacation with my eyes swelled up and itchy so if there's a cat on the premises I won't stay there because cats have a tendency to go on furniture, etc...
  12. M

    Policies worth changing

    It's always great to review your policies and find what works for not only your business (income) but how you want to live your life as an innkeeper. Policies we won't be changing: 14 day cancellation notice; $25 cancellation fee, only refund for rooms I can rebook max occupancy per room two -...
  13. M

    Awful Ski Season So Far

    We too are in a New England ski area. However, if the skiing isn't great there are so many other things to do. They do rolling dogsledding if they can't put on the sleds, the snowmobile places are renting ATVs instead and our guests who would normally go snowshoeing we send them out to hike...
  14. M

    Pricing a twin room

    Think the spa thing through thoroughly - we originally had it setup with local massage therapists who would come and do in-room massages for our guests as a nice add-on for them. We were advised by others on another forum that the guest should pay the masseuse directly so that it was on their...
  15. M

    Pricing a twin room

    Agree with everyone on trying to remove closest and get queen bed in there, or you'll likely have this room sitting empty. Even as a business traveller covering 4 states I would never have booked a twin, In fact most times took a king if it was available. As another post showed, people want...
  16. M

    What a Difference a Day Makes

    We used to take 1 nighters when we were new. Now all weekends and June -Oct have 2 night minimums. I only take 1 night stays in summer between reservations (orphans) or last minute within 2 days. It works for us but we've been at it 10 years now and have a great business - we all have to do...
  17. M

    Child Policy Opinions

    Agree too wordy. Just be sure that whatever rules you show on your website that you enforce. We were empty during a midweek and let someone bring their young one for two nights. Then out of the blue someone booked a two night stay for that same time. She was a teacher who was told us when...
  18. M

    Vetting guests

    No one will ever expect to be questioned prior to booking at a B&B - you would turn them off immediately. Let your website describe what your place is about and be as clear as possible. I just recently changed some parts of my website because even though the first line says it's a place for...
  19. M

    King Sized Bed?

    Definitely. Two rooms exactly the same are beside each other. Put a king in one and raised rate by $20 a night (I had the frame and bought a new mattress for me that was too hard for me so I decided to make use of it) - king room always books first and we make much more money from it. We're...
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    Battery Operated Items....

    Some people do it on purpose because well … they are crude. Had guests a couple years ago that said they would like the bathroom tied and needed new towels. They had made the bed and then laid all of their toys out down the center of the comforter (sort of like they were laying everything out...