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  1. Happy Keeper

    Statement from CEO of Buuteeq

    I tried this and it did appear to remain the same. I am not super tech savvy, so it could be I am not doing as you say. I did my search for YYYY bed and breakfasts and when the very long URL appears in the top box, I went to the end of it and added &pws=0.
  2. Happy Keeper

    Statement from CEO of Buuteeq

    and like who is paying them and are you getting a ROI you like? At first glance, it looks like something we can do without, but I would love to hear otherwise.
  3. Happy Keeper

    Regrets of the dying

    Death passes through more often as I grow older, but I'm livin' with life right now and my bed ain't big enough for three.
  4. Happy Keeper

    Regrets of the dying

    It's good you ckecked in.
  5. Happy Keeper

    The Anti-Fruit Day

    Isn't it funny how you can go through dozens of breakfasts with clean plates and compliments to the chef, and then you get someone who won't eat the really incredible, locally sourced, super delicious breakfast treat you made them, and bam! All my cooking insecurities come rushing in.
  6. Happy Keeper

    The Anti-Fruit Day

    We use a three and two rule for our fruit. Three regular portions of different fruit and two decorative fruits. Most folks go crazy over it, but there are times I wish folks would mention if they don't eat certain fruits. I just have to remind myself that they purchased a breakfast with their...
  7. Happy Keeper

    Inn church

    Yeah- best left alone. Our policy is that we only give reviews for those that we found to be exceptional and we leave the rest alone. If we were unhappy enough to write anything else, we would tell the proprietor instead with the hopes that it would help them and not cause them harm.
  8. Happy Keeper

    Inn church

    The caution is warranted. I hope my comments did not disparage anyones personal beliefs. Feel free to delete them if need be. I totally have my innkeeper's business hat on and religion is just one of many themes that can send folks elsewhere. Politics, comsumption of alcohol, using tobacco...
  9. Happy Keeper

    Inn church

    THIS is about business. IF you are choosing that market and you consider your business mutually exclusive from other market segments, than so it shall be: IF you live in a place where that is illegal, so it shall eventually bring trouble. Stayed at a similar place a few years back- absolutely...
  10. Happy Keeper

    This is the best job I have ever had because.....

    You see this in most all the comments. It's a real harbinger of what makes a great innkeeper. Over the last several years, this has really toughened me up. There's something about taking pride in being personally responsible. Seems like I am less likely to make excuses and blame others. Then...
  11. Happy Keeper

    Breakfast Dilemma

    I love it! It sounds so much better if folks have a little nook where they can (or you can) make a nice little breakfast with the goodies you bring them. Yeah!
  12. Happy Keeper

    This is the best job I have ever had because.....

    Don't ya love it! I have some of the best conversations with myself...
  13. Happy Keeper

    This is the best job I have ever had because.....

    I get to do things the way I want. If I screw up, there is only one way to point the finger. If I get it right, I get all the love. Needless to say, I much prefer getting it right.
  14. Happy Keeper

    New Owner Needs Advice

    Absolutely! So often overlooked and so very important. It still amazes me that I find a strange resistance from other innkeepers about building partnerships. It has made a huge difference in page ranking.
  15. Happy Keeper

    New Owner Needs Advice

    Okay- I remember what our first website was like and yours is much better. You have to start somewhere, and it looks like you did well for a starter. What I noticed right off is that (probably because you are not yet open) is that it looked a little like a vacant model home in the otherwise...
  16. Happy Keeper

    New Owner Needs Advice

    You are brave to ask! If I type in "Boise bed and breakfasts" are you on page one? That, IMHO, is the most important thing that matters for your long term success. NEXT, make sure you get on the dreaded Trap Ad Visitor as soon as you can with 5 star everything. Set a target goal and surpass it...
  17. Happy Keeper

    Innkeeper prior walks of life

    "You couldn't drag us back to our old lives!" Oh boy is that the truth!
  18. Happy Keeper

    Innkeeper prior walks of life

    We work hard to keep a balance, but most every challenge comes from those times we have given someone else control. They just don't have our passion!
  19. Happy Keeper

    Do you accept kids?

    It is the only way to do it IMHO.