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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. Aussie Innkeeper

    Guilt Admission... I Can't Make Breakfast Potatoes... the square kind...

    I have to admit that this is one of my little 'cheats' in the kitchen. I have NEVER made breakfast potatoes from scratch. They are just too good, too cheap, too easy to purchase them frozen. Sure, I doctor them up quite a bit, but my sanity is worth more than a couple dollars' of spuds. Kudos to...
  2. Aussie Innkeeper

    Air hosts aren't loving push for them to act more like hotels hoo....feel so sorry for the Air BnB hosts who are being asked to change their ways....NOT!
  3. Aussie Innkeeper

    Babies Are Not Real People

    my mantra in cases like this??? "Your failure to plan does not, for me, an emergency make." Feel free to adopt/adapt as applicable.
  4. Aussie Innkeeper

    Hosting a shower VENT VENT VENT

    So, when did they end up vacating the premises?
  5. Aussie Innkeeper

    That loud noise you just heard...

    A newbie here in town was explaining her 'rainy day' project of cleaning out the previous owners' paint (yes, it had gone back to 1994 - 2 past owners). Here's what she found: *13 5-gallon buckets *3 2-gallon cans *53 1-gallon cans and she stopped counting the quart cans at 20!
  6. Aussie Innkeeper

    The Psychology of booking

    Your failure to plan does not, for me, an emergency make.
  7. Aussie Innkeeper

    Finally Cut The Cord With TA

    I hate TA. You know what struck me as interesting today? When you look at your destination's main 'city' page, how come "Vacation Rentals" get their own icon along with "Hotels", but "B&Bs" don't get their own clickable icon? No, we are a sub-set of the 'Hotels' icon! That's disgusting!
  8. Aussie Innkeeper

    That loud noise you just heard...

    Painting? We have no fewer than 3 dozen cans of used paint in the basement. One thing I've found incredibly liberating is to forgo the white ceiling and paint it the same color as the walls! Another is to bite the bullet and pay a little extra for the paint with the primer in it.
  9. Aussie Innkeeper

    Bottled Water

    I find charging for bottled water is so 'hotel'. If it's such a hassle, don't offer it at all, or raise your rates, offer it for free and be done with it.
  10. Aussie Innkeeper

    The innkeepers in Missouri

    Does anyone know what happened to the Innkeepers in Missouri who were sued by a neighboring (I use that word loosely) B&B/Restaurant? She posted on the Innkeepers FB page over a week ago and I've heard nothing since.
  11. Aussie Innkeeper

    Don't the Greek priests ever tire of traveling?

    who falls for this any more?
  12. Aussie Innkeeper

    Price Point Advice

    Thanks, everyone!
  13. Aussie Innkeeper

    Price Point Advice

    Good afternoon! I'm looking for some advice on whether or not to change the price of one room. I have 5 rooms; 3 different price points and all priced higher on weekends. All rooms have private bath with shower, fireplace and a/c, flat screen TVs with WiFi and dvd. All rooms have identical...
  14. Aussie Innkeeper

    B&B Website - Room Amenities List

    You mean like this?
  15. Aussie Innkeeper

    Airbnb situation in NJ

    Consider this, though...the first time the guest rents the room directly thru Air, and the tax is collected (by Air) and given to the state (supposedly). However, for subsequent return visits to the same Air property, the guest contacts the Air host directly and pays them directly, therefore...
  16. Aussie Innkeeper

    Remember Score?

    I'm SO glad that people could vote more than once. Thanks, Guillum! I have a new fridge with your help.
  17. Aussie Innkeeper

    North East Storm

    Turned out to be a bust here. More wind than anything else. Daughter's school was first a 2-hour delay then eventually cancelled altogether. She was bummed because that means no 4-day weekend next week for the President's Day as they take Friday back for a snow day.
  18. Aussie Innkeeper


    I have a recipe for a bran muffin where you make a big batch of batter and keep it in the fridge and bake when you need it. I love this recipe for slower times of year. batter keeps for 6 weeks!
  19. Aussie Innkeeper

    Red Flag Areas

    Here's one to consider. LOTS of potential here!
  20. Aussie Innkeeper

    want to buy an inn

    Have you contacted Rick Newman? RICHARD K. NEWMAN COMMERCIAL CAPITAL NETWORK 800 MAIN STREET STROUDSBURG, PA 18360 Office: 570-481-6129 Mobile: 570-213-1903