...the aggravating guests, or the husband who defends them?
I had guests arrive at 12:30 today (check in is at 3:00) with a 14 year old daughter in tow (booking was for 2 people, not 3). I looked frightful, in my grubby garb, bare feet, hair frizzed out about 4 inches, hot and sweating from stripping rooms.
They didn't even apologize for being early, just asked if they could check in. I told them their room wasn't ready but said they could come back in an hour, except that now I'd have to put them in a different room to accommodate the kid and set up a cot. The guy asked wife & daughter if anyone had to use the bathroom while they were here. I said sorry, we don't have spare bathrooms and none of the room baths are clean.
They asked what's there to do until they can come back. Of course in the confirmation email I sent --and he replied to-- I specifically said "Check in begins at 3pm. If you're in the area early, please don't come straight to the inn since there may be no one here to greet you. Instead, you may enjoy [then I list a variety of things to do, with directions]." Anyway, I gave them a map and info sheet, yada yada. Finally they leave.
So I go find hubby to get him to help me carry the cot up to the room and before I open my mouth he says "why didn't you let them use a bathroom?". Maybe I should have, but I tell him why I didn't. And he tells me I'm not being hospitable. That it's the little things that make a difference. That that wasn't a very nice first impression.
What?? [insert loud discussion here]
Will somebody who is not married to me please tell me how I could've handled those guests and their requests better.