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Welcome to the club! The first phone we had did not have a dial - at least all we had to do was pick up and wait for the operator to FINALLY ask number please - AFTER the others on the party line got done talking!!

I also have ResKey but if you are taking deposits or online payments you WILL need some sort of link to your bank account. I use Square for credit card processing. RESKEY has - I just checked to find it - a support Forum and you can contact RESKEY from it also. Log in and in tiny red letters under the Availability screen are the words Contact and other words, but I clicked Contact and the Forum came up. Ask your question there.

As I said, I use Square for processing credit cards and I do not take deposits. IFA I have someone wanting to pay for someone's room (like the Dad who paid for his daughter's room) I send an invoice through Square, he entered his credit card numbers, hit submit and I go the email from Square when he paid it. My Foundation I am on the Board of uses it for selling merchandise - slightly higher fee bit less than any processor. I do not have a cash register - just a small square gizmo that I keep charged up. I have the ap on my cell phone, enter the charges, they tap or insert their card and the sale is complete. The gizmo fits in the back pocket of my jeans and will work anywhere I have cell service. I hope this answers your question and is helpful.

Many with RESKEY have channel managers and take payment (or deposits) when the reservation is made with their RESKEY system.
