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Saying that she is sorry that the guest was displeased only validates the complaints in my opinion.

Lies must be rebutted in a clear, direct, unemotional way as others have advised.

I don't for a second believe that most or even a majority of casual TA users are savvy enough to read between the lines and distinguish between the nuances of bonafide reviews and false, lie filled punishment reviews.

I see it every day on TA, where innocent enough sounding people post questions about places with doubts on whether or not to book because one bad review gave them pause.

We just had a terrific guest check out today and explain how far above and beyond even her high expectations from reading all of our reveiws on TA were fulfilled. We kind of laughed and told her our stock answer that we never solicit or prod for reviews and that we wish we could trust 100% of what we read there. She gave us a puzzled look and admitted she had no idea that nothing there is verified or vetted for truthfulness or accuracy. She just ASSUMED every review gets checked somehow. I think she is probably a very typical TA user.

These are our livelihoods we're talking about and some cretin is going to cost one of us business just to exact revenge and the best we can suggest is to paint on a fake smile and admit something other than the destructive lout's behavior was wrong?
