KP wrote: "I was planning to be very up front about our thoughts and ideas and to email the innkeepers ahead of time to see if they would even be interested in sitting down and talking with us. I would never ask personal questions re: occupancy, but only generally about the area and B&B life: is tourism up (or at least consistent with what I've gathered from my research)? do they see it increasing or decreasing down the road? do they have other jobs? what do they like/hate about being B&B owners?"
In my case, we had lived in the area for almost 15 years before purchasing a home to renovate and open a B&B. During that time we had learned from the scuttlebutt around that it would be to our best interest to get through the hurdles of getting our zoning in order before much talk or we may very well have a problem getting the zoning passed.
Why? - One that was afraid of competition. And I agree with GH regarding 'competition'. Why do you think Mickey D's always is across the street from BK's or another burger joint...they feed each other business!!! But many of business owners (including inkeepers) do not get it and feel you are going to come in and steal away their guests.
You have mentioned your time table on this venture what you haven't stated (unless I missed it) if you plan to move to your 'chosen' city & future B&B prior to that time frame to settle in? LOTS can happen in a five year time frame not only with the chosen location but in your own life. If you are planning to move in the near future, make sure you would be happy LIVING there, not just because it seems to fit the 'ideal' location for the future B&B.
In research for the 'ideal' location, you may want to get with not only the state B&B association, but also with the state and local tourist commissions. They can give you a lot of information about historical lodging occupancy #, now that would include all lodging, not just B&B's, but that data is very helpful. They also have a good idea of what is predicted in the near future in terms of tourism, industry etc which affect occupancy. I would leave my questions regarding this to these groups. Now I am not saying that they have that crystal ball of seeing the future, but they are your best shot!
In our area, 5 - 7 years ago NO one was predicting what is currently happening in our area. This area was establishing itself as a 'nature lovers paradise' as the promotions go - have fun in the big city and then take some R&R in nature. That was 3 years ago, now we are in one of the countries biggest boom areas and this area is becoming a big business (mostly high tech) corridor. My business has changed from 85-90% tourist (or visiting familes,friends, romantic getaways) to 85-90% business travelers. NOW that is a substantual change in 3 years!
In addition to finding the 'ideal' location should also include what laws the area has surrounding this industry. And I do not want to burst your bubble here but these laws are forever changing and in most cases have become MORE strict than in years ago. In my days of research, I felt that as time went on and more people were aware of the positive aspects of this industry that laws would become more lax. So give 5-7 years in the future, who knows what the laws will be in the area you choose.
I am not saying all this to discourage you, not in the least. We took our time as well. I just wanted to help you take off those rose colored glasses and see with your eyes wide open what can happen in 5-7 years. Please stick around. Learn about the industry from all of us here and have fun while looking for that ideal spot.