PAII CEO Resigns, PAII Board of Directors have been removed

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Not much of a website, but here it is:
Oh good grief...there's a title and one sentence statement on the website and it's got a typo?!?!
And it's the name of a state (in a graphic, no less.
OH MY! that does not bode well

I was just on the PAII forum and they are not at all happy. From what it looks like the four shareholders have replaced the volunteer board. It appears they do not want to take the noprofit route If this is indeed true I regret just renewing my membership as I don't see how they can serve the members an at the same tome make a profit. Indo believe this may be the end of PAII. Pete did a good job with the MidAtlantic yearly conference, but that is a to y kettle of fish compared to paii. I am not a spring chicken myself, but at his age I don't see the energy to run paii.[/b]
From the PAII forum
Unbeknownst to most people in the industry, PAII is owned by Distinguished Inns Alliance (DIA) and is a for-profit company. There were a number of stockholders who were involved in the ownership of PAII going back 13 years when the company was purchased from Pat Hardy and JoAnn Bell. Ralph and I were stockholders in DIA and donated our shares to PAII, along with a number of other stockholders, when there was serious interest in taking PAII non-profit.
DIA as the ownership entity for PAII has the right to appoint the board of PAII. The current PAII Board consists of 4 DIA stockholders. They have named Pete Holladay as President and CEO of PAII.
So ... the volunteer board is out, the stockholders who think PAII can be run as a for-profit organization are in. Guess I made a mistake by sending in my dues last month..
Innkeep said:
From the PAII forum
Unbeknownst to most people in the industry, PAII is owned by Distinguished Inns Alliance (DIA) and is a for-profit company. There were a number of stockholders who were involved in the ownership of PAII going back 13 years when the company was purchased from Pat Hardy and JoAnn Bell. Ralph and I were stockholders in DIA and donated our shares to PAII, along with a number of other stockholders, when there was serious interest in taking PAII non-profit.
DIA as the ownership entity for PAII has the right to appoint the board of PAII. The current PAII Board consists of 4 DIA stockholders. They have named Pete Holladay as President and CEO of PAII.
So ... the volunteer board is out, the stockholders who think PAII can be run as a for-profit organization are in. Guess I made a mistake by sending in my dues last month.
Pete Holladay??? What a piece of crap! I have not gone to one of his Conferences since Jay was the keynote speaker in 2010 - that is what sparked the B & Bs For Vets . I Cancelled my registration well before the minimum cancel fee expired - they would keep $35 and refund the rest. Well Innkeep and I went to Jay's speech and that was all I planned to do. When I asked about my refund, the credit card machine was not working. 6 weeks later after several requests about my refund, I received a check for $75, not the $110 I had been expecting. I have never attended another of his Conferences. Sorry, I would not spend $89 for a PAII membership with Pete as the CEO. He might be a "nice guy" but I have no confidence in him as a leader and advocate for this industry. He does the Mid-Atlantic Conferences because they make money for him - not knocking him for that as we all have to make a living, but I do not see him as moving the industry forward!! Just my 2-cents.
From the PAII forum
Unbeknownst to most people in the industry, PAII is owned by Distinguished Inns Alliance (DIA) and is a for-profit company. There were a number of stockholders who were involved in the ownership of PAII going back 13 years when the company was purchased from Pat Hardy and JoAnn Bell. Ralph and I were stockholders in DIA and donated our shares to PAII, along with a number of other stockholders, when there was serious interest in taking PAII non-profit.
DIA as the ownership entity for PAII has the right to appoint the board of PAII. The current PAII Board consists of 4 DIA stockholders. They have named Pete Holladay as President and CEO of PAII.
So ... the volunteer board is out, the stockholders who think PAII can be run as a for-profit organization are in. Guess I made a mistake by sending in my dues last month..
From the PAII forum
Unbeknownst to most people in the industry, PAII is owned by Distinguished Inns Alliance (DIA) and is a for-profit company. There were a number of stockholders who were involved in the ownership of PAII going back 13 years when the company was purchased from Pat Hardy and JoAnn Bell. Ralph and I were stockholders in DIA and donated our shares to PAII, along with a number of other stockholders, when there was serious interest in taking PAII non-profit.
DIA as the ownership entity for PAII has the right to appoint the board of PAII. The current PAII Board consists of 4 DIA stockholders. They have named Pete Holladay as President and CEO of PAII.
So ... the volunteer board is out, the stockholders who think PAII can be run as a for-profit organization are in. Guess I made a mistake by sending in my dues last month..
I am shocked to say the least and the new ceo....come have to be joking. Good old boy realtor???? I mean I know him and like him, but ceo of paii...that I find to be a return to the old days.
I am just very sorry to hear about Jay resigning. As he stated, he has brought the industry to such a better place.
And the whole board gone!! Should make for a very interesting conference next week.
Anyone going who can report back.
Isn't this a perfect time for innkeepers to create a REAL, non-profit professional association with only the goal of bettering the profession, and not bettering the group's bottom line?
Holy Cow, just read this post! It is a sad, sad day for PAII. Jay was a great leader and was going in the direction THIS innkeeper liked. I dropped my membership after they raised the rates but that was not a reflection on the association only this innkeepers budget.

Hope that those attending the conference next week will share what they hear about the future of the association.

I am leaning to agree with Arkie, maybe it is a good time to start a real non-profit association. One that understood the diversity of the members but brought us together as one industry.
Sorry to hear of this shakeup. It smells bad for PAII. I have no doubt Jay will land on his feet. Wise people always do.
Just received this e-mail from the new CEO of PAII:
My name is "Pete” Holladay and I am a member of the PAII Board of Directors and also the President of DIA, Distinguished Inns Alliance. I will be available at the Conference to meet with anyone who is interested and to answer whatever questions I can. However, the recent posts on various blogs require immediate attention. Space does not allow a long dissertation but more lengthy, printed, copies depicting the formation of DIA will be available at the Conference as well as biographical information on the PAII Board of Directors and the DIA Board of Managers.
In a nutshell, DIA was formed to find people passionate about our industry and willing to invest money to keep PAII alive and serving the innkeeping industry. PAII was purchased and encouraged to form their own Board of Directors and DIA would virtually keep "hands off". It is important to note that the investors have never received one dime from their investment, not even a cup of coffee! Some investors have "given" their share(s) to PAII (some taking a tax deduction erroneously thinking their "gift" was tax deductible).
Within the past year it was determined that PAII was having financial difficulty and the Board of Managers of DIA found it necessary to step in and do their best to help PAII through these difficult times so that it could continue to serve the innkeeping industry.
Several years ago, PAII established BETTER WAY TO STAY and many innkeepers, vendors and friends contributed to this worthwhile endeavor. Subsequently, PAII, without any authorization, established a separate corporation and moved funds from PAII into this new corporation. This corporation, Innkeeping Foundation, had been established as "not for profit" with a separate Board of Directors and no direct ties to PAII. The DIA Board of Managers insisted that these funds be returned to PAII and put into a restricted escrow account to be used solely for the purposes for which they were raised. It is important to note that although the new corporation was incorporated as "not for profit", it was not tax exempt, nor had tax-exempt status even been applied for. Although not purposefully deceptive, DIA did not think this was proper.
Knowing that this transition could be controversial, Jay K. was working on a statement to be shared with the members, feeling that news of the Board changes should come from him. In the meantime, however, Jay decided to resign and submitted his resignation on December 30th. The PAII Board and DIA were as surprised as anyone and not prepared for this development. Although not what the Board had anticipated, we knew that Jay had thought this through and was doing what he felt was in his best interest and that of his family. Jay is still President and CEO of PAII and will remain so until March 30, 2014. However, the PAII Staff and the PAII Board of Directors are covering his duties.
The degree of financial concerns should not be understated. PAII has many ambitious and worthwhile programs all geared to serving the innkeeping industry. In order to continue these programs, however, money must be raised. This is why it is so important that contributions to BETTER WAY TO STAY be robust. All B&Bs and Country Inns benefit from the increased exposure brought to us by programs funded by BETTER WAY TO STAY. Individual inns and B&B associations are beginning to realize real dividends from this national exposure. It is imperative that PAII continue these programs, but it can only do so with your help.
As many have stated, Jay was the face and voice of PAII and will be sorely missed.However, one of Jay's greatest assets is his organizational ability and Jay leaves PAII with an exceptional staff that is more than capable during this transition period.
The PAII Staff and Board of Directors are looking forward to another fantastic Conference and are anxious to welcome you to Charleston!
Pete Holladay
Thanks for posting.
A mess of which I want no part!
Thanks for posting.
A mess of which I want no part!.
I will second that one. Erika will have to get all the scoop and clue us in when she gets back from the conference. I could say lots, but I will bite my tongue on this one.
Just received this e-mail from the new CEO of PAII:
My name is "Pete” Holladay and I am a member of the PAII Board of Directors and also the President of DIA, Distinguished Inns Alliance. I will be available at the Conference to meet with anyone who is interested and to answer whatever questions I can. However, the recent posts on various blogs require immediate attention. Space does not allow a long dissertation but more lengthy, printed, copies depicting the formation of DIA will be available at the Conference as well as biographical information on the PAII Board of Directors and the DIA Board of Managers.
In a nutshell, DIA was formed to find people passionate about our industry and willing to invest money to keep PAII alive and serving the innkeeping industry. PAII was purchased and encouraged to form their own Board of Directors and DIA would virtually keep "hands off". It is important to note that the investors have never received one dime from their investment, not even a cup of coffee! Some investors have "given" their share(s) to PAII (some taking a tax deduction erroneously thinking their "gift" was tax deductible).
Within the past year it was determined that PAII was having financial difficulty and the Board of Managers of DIA found it necessary to step in and do their best to help PAII through these difficult times so that it could continue to serve the innkeeping industry.
Several years ago, PAII established BETTER WAY TO STAY and many innkeepers, vendors and friends contributed to this worthwhile endeavor. Subsequently, PAII, without any authorization, established a separate corporation and moved funds from PAII into this new corporation. This corporation, Innkeeping Foundation, had been established as "not for profit" with a separate Board of Directors and no direct ties to PAII. The DIA Board of Managers insisted that these funds be returned to PAII and put into a restricted escrow account to be used solely for the purposes for which they were raised. It is important to note that although the new corporation was incorporated as "not for profit", it was not tax exempt, nor had tax-exempt status even been applied for. Although not purposefully deceptive, DIA did not think this was proper.
Knowing that this transition could be controversial, Jay K. was working on a statement to be shared with the members, feeling that news of the Board changes should come from him. In the meantime, however, Jay decided to resign and submitted his resignation on December 30th. The PAII Board and DIA were as surprised as anyone and not prepared for this development. Although not what the Board had anticipated, we knew that Jay had thought this through and was doing what he felt was in his best interest and that of his family. Jay is still President and CEO of PAII and will remain so until March 30, 2014. However, the PAII Staff and the PAII Board of Directors are covering his duties.
The degree of financial concerns should not be understated. PAII has many ambitious and worthwhile programs all geared to serving the innkeeping industry. In order to continue these programs, however, money must be raised. This is why it is so important that contributions to BETTER WAY TO STAY be robust. All B&Bs and Country Inns benefit from the increased exposure brought to us by programs funded by BETTER WAY TO STAY. Individual inns and B&B associations are beginning to realize real dividends from this national exposure. It is imperative that PAII continue these programs, but it can only do so with your help.
As many have stated, Jay was the face and voice of PAII and will be sorely missed.However, one of Jay's greatest assets is his organizational ability and Jay leaves PAII with an exceptional staff that is more than capable during this transition period.
The PAII Staff and Board of Directors are looking forward to another fantastic Conference and are anxious to welcome you to Charleston!
Pete Holladay.
What I take from this:
  1. Funds were misappropriated
  2. DIA is looking for more money to run BWTS (see #1)
  3. The BOD is still in place and Jay is doing nothing as they are doing his job.
  4. Someone isn't telling the real story
Just received this e-mail from the new CEO of PAII:
My name is "Pete” Holladay and I am a member of the PAII Board of Directors and also the President of DIA, Distinguished Inns Alliance. I will be available at the Conference to meet with anyone who is interested and to answer whatever questions I can. However, the recent posts on various blogs require immediate attention. Space does not allow a long dissertation but more lengthy, printed, copies depicting the formation of DIA will be available at the Conference as well as biographical information on the PAII Board of Directors and the DIA Board of Managers.
In a nutshell, DIA was formed to find people passionate about our industry and willing to invest money to keep PAII alive and serving the innkeeping industry. PAII was purchased and encouraged to form their own Board of Directors and DIA would virtually keep "hands off". It is important to note that the investors have never received one dime from their investment, not even a cup of coffee! Some investors have "given" their share(s) to PAII (some taking a tax deduction erroneously thinking their "gift" was tax deductible).
Within the past year it was determined that PAII was having financial difficulty and the Board of Managers of DIA found it necessary to step in and do their best to help PAII through these difficult times so that it could continue to serve the innkeeping industry.
Several years ago, PAII established BETTER WAY TO STAY and many innkeepers, vendors and friends contributed to this worthwhile endeavor. Subsequently, PAII, without any authorization, established a separate corporation and moved funds from PAII into this new corporation. This corporation, Innkeeping Foundation, had been established as "not for profit" with a separate Board of Directors and no direct ties to PAII. The DIA Board of Managers insisted that these funds be returned to PAII and put into a restricted escrow account to be used solely for the purposes for which they were raised. It is important to note that although the new corporation was incorporated as "not for profit", it was not tax exempt, nor had tax-exempt status even been applied for. Although not purposefully deceptive, DIA did not think this was proper.
Knowing that this transition could be controversial, Jay K. was working on a statement to be shared with the members, feeling that news of the Board changes should come from him. In the meantime, however, Jay decided to resign and submitted his resignation on December 30th. The PAII Board and DIA were as surprised as anyone and not prepared for this development. Although not what the Board had anticipated, we knew that Jay had thought this through and was doing what he felt was in his best interest and that of his family. Jay is still President and CEO of PAII and will remain so until March 30, 2014. However, the PAII Staff and the PAII Board of Directors are covering his duties.
The degree of financial concerns should not be understated. PAII has many ambitious and worthwhile programs all geared to serving the innkeeping industry. In order to continue these programs, however, money must be raised. This is why it is so important that contributions to BETTER WAY TO STAY be robust. All B&Bs and Country Inns benefit from the increased exposure brought to us by programs funded by BETTER WAY TO STAY. Individual inns and B&B associations are beginning to realize real dividends from this national exposure. It is imperative that PAII continue these programs, but it can only do so with your help.
As many have stated, Jay was the face and voice of PAII and will be sorely missed.However, one of Jay's greatest assets is his organizational ability and Jay leaves PAII with an exceptional staff that is more than capable during this transition period.
The PAII Staff and Board of Directors are looking forward to another fantastic Conference and are anxious to welcome you to Charleston!
Pete Holladay.
What I take from this:
  1. Funds were misappropriated
  2. DIA is looking for more money to run BWTS (see #1)
  3. The BOD is still in place and Jay is doing nothing as they are doing his job.
  4. Someone isn't telling the real story
A ton of money went into BWTS - this cheapskate even anted up $300 and that was not easy to do. I still do not see Pete as saving anything. Heck, his Mid-Atlantic Conference is a direct competitor to the PAII Conference as many went to it instead of a PAII Conference. One way to end competition.....
Just received this e-mail from the new CEO of PAII:
My name is "Pete” Holladay and I am a member of the PAII Board of Directors and also the President of DIA, Distinguished Inns Alliance. I will be available at the Conference to meet with anyone who is interested and to answer whatever questions I can. However, the recent posts on various blogs require immediate attention. Space does not allow a long dissertation but more lengthy, printed, copies depicting the formation of DIA will be available at the Conference as well as biographical information on the PAII Board of Directors and the DIA Board of Managers.
In a nutshell, DIA was formed to find people passionate about our industry and willing to invest money to keep PAII alive and serving the innkeeping industry. PAII was purchased and encouraged to form their own Board of Directors and DIA would virtually keep "hands off". It is important to note that the investors have never received one dime from their investment, not even a cup of coffee! Some investors have "given" their share(s) to PAII (some taking a tax deduction erroneously thinking their "gift" was tax deductible).
Within the past year it was determined that PAII was having financial difficulty and the Board of Managers of DIA found it necessary to step in and do their best to help PAII through these difficult times so that it could continue to serve the innkeeping industry.
Several years ago, PAII established BETTER WAY TO STAY and many innkeepers, vendors and friends contributed to this worthwhile endeavor. Subsequently, PAII, without any authorization, established a separate corporation and moved funds from PAII into this new corporation. This corporation, Innkeeping Foundation, had been established as "not for profit" with a separate Board of Directors and no direct ties to PAII. The DIA Board of Managers insisted that these funds be returned to PAII and put into a restricted escrow account to be used solely for the purposes for which they were raised. It is important to note that although the new corporation was incorporated as "not for profit", it was not tax exempt, nor had tax-exempt status even been applied for. Although not purposefully deceptive, DIA did not think this was proper.
Knowing that this transition could be controversial, Jay K. was working on a statement to be shared with the members, feeling that news of the Board changes should come from him. In the meantime, however, Jay decided to resign and submitted his resignation on December 30th. The PAII Board and DIA were as surprised as anyone and not prepared for this development. Although not what the Board had anticipated, we knew that Jay had thought this through and was doing what he felt was in his best interest and that of his family. Jay is still President and CEO of PAII and will remain so until March 30, 2014. However, the PAII Staff and the PAII Board of Directors are covering his duties.
The degree of financial concerns should not be understated. PAII has many ambitious and worthwhile programs all geared to serving the innkeeping industry. In order to continue these programs, however, money must be raised. This is why it is so important that contributions to BETTER WAY TO STAY be robust. All B&Bs and Country Inns benefit from the increased exposure brought to us by programs funded by BETTER WAY TO STAY. Individual inns and B&B associations are beginning to realize real dividends from this national exposure. It is imperative that PAII continue these programs, but it can only do so with your help.
As many have stated, Jay was the face and voice of PAII and will be sorely missed.However, one of Jay's greatest assets is his organizational ability and Jay leaves PAII with an exceptional staff that is more than capable during this transition period.
The PAII Staff and Board of Directors are looking forward to another fantastic Conference and are anxious to welcome you to Charleston!
Pete Holladay.
What I take from this:
  1. Funds were misappropriated
  2. DIA is looking for more money to run BWTS (see #1)
  3. The BOD is still in place and Jay is doing nothing as they are doing his job.
  4. Someone isn't telling the real story
Madeleine said:
What I take from this:
  1. Funds were misappropriated
  2. DIA is looking for more money to run BWTS (see #1)
  3. The BOD is still in place and Jay is doing nothing as they are doing his job.
  4. Someone isn't telling the real story
From what I understand the board of directors have left PAII November 22. I don't know if they left or were let go. From what I understand the four who own PAII through DIA are now the "board of directors". But I'm not sure I really understand anything.
I'll try and fill you all in as I attend the conference. But I am NOT the best to report as I have avoided any kind of corporate or business games my entire career. I don't read people or situations well. That's why I've always been in the restaurant/hotel service industry. People there are more open from my experience.
Just received this e-mail from the new CEO of PAII:
My name is "Pete” Holladay and I am a member of the PAII Board of Directors and also the President of DIA, Distinguished Inns Alliance. I will be available at the Conference to meet with anyone who is interested and to answer whatever questions I can. However, the recent posts on various blogs require immediate attention. Space does not allow a long dissertation but more lengthy, printed, copies depicting the formation of DIA will be available at the Conference as well as biographical information on the PAII Board of Directors and the DIA Board of Managers.
In a nutshell, DIA was formed to find people passionate about our industry and willing to invest money to keep PAII alive and serving the innkeeping industry. PAII was purchased and encouraged to form their own Board of Directors and DIA would virtually keep "hands off". It is important to note that the investors have never received one dime from their investment, not even a cup of coffee! Some investors have "given" their share(s) to PAII (some taking a tax deduction erroneously thinking their "gift" was tax deductible).
Within the past year it was determined that PAII was having financial difficulty and the Board of Managers of DIA found it necessary to step in and do their best to help PAII through these difficult times so that it could continue to serve the innkeeping industry.
Several years ago, PAII established BETTER WAY TO STAY and many innkeepers, vendors and friends contributed to this worthwhile endeavor. Subsequently, PAII, without any authorization, established a separate corporation and moved funds from PAII into this new corporation. This corporation, Innkeeping Foundation, had been established as "not for profit" with a separate Board of Directors and no direct ties to PAII. The DIA Board of Managers insisted that these funds be returned to PAII and put into a restricted escrow account to be used solely for the purposes for which they were raised. It is important to note that although the new corporation was incorporated as "not for profit", it was not tax exempt, nor had tax-exempt status even been applied for. Although not purposefully deceptive, DIA did not think this was proper.
Knowing that this transition could be controversial, Jay K. was working on a statement to be shared with the members, feeling that news of the Board changes should come from him. In the meantime, however, Jay decided to resign and submitted his resignation on December 30th. The PAII Board and DIA were as surprised as anyone and not prepared for this development. Although not what the Board had anticipated, we knew that Jay had thought this through and was doing what he felt was in his best interest and that of his family. Jay is still President and CEO of PAII and will remain so until March 30, 2014. However, the PAII Staff and the PAII Board of Directors are covering his duties.
The degree of financial concerns should not be understated. PAII has many ambitious and worthwhile programs all geared to serving the innkeeping industry. In order to continue these programs, however, money must be raised. This is why it is so important that contributions to BETTER WAY TO STAY be robust. All B&Bs and Country Inns benefit from the increased exposure brought to us by programs funded by BETTER WAY TO STAY. Individual inns and B&B associations are beginning to realize real dividends from this national exposure. It is imperative that PAII continue these programs, but it can only do so with your help.
As many have stated, Jay was the face and voice of PAII and will be sorely missed.However, one of Jay's greatest assets is his organizational ability and Jay leaves PAII with an exceptional staff that is more than capable during this transition period.
The PAII Staff and Board of Directors are looking forward to another fantastic Conference and are anxious to welcome you to Charleston!
Pete Holladay.
I don't like this BWTS situation at all. It just screams of lack of transparency on a fund that was intended to be ultimately transparent. And the suggesting that they want control of these funds?
If the intent of DIA was to do this for the industry, they shouldn't have been buying shares, they should have lent money with a plan to get it back and make this a non-profit or a "not-for-profit" with real transparency for the betterment of this industry.
Just received this e-mail from the new CEO of PAII:
My name is "Pete” Holladay and I am a member of the PAII Board of Directors and also the President of DIA, Distinguished Inns Alliance. I will be available at the Conference to meet with anyone who is interested and to answer whatever questions I can. However, the recent posts on various blogs require immediate attention. Space does not allow a long dissertation but more lengthy, printed, copies depicting the formation of DIA will be available at the Conference as well as biographical information on the PAII Board of Directors and the DIA Board of Managers.
In a nutshell, DIA was formed to find people passionate about our industry and willing to invest money to keep PAII alive and serving the innkeeping industry. PAII was purchased and encouraged to form their own Board of Directors and DIA would virtually keep "hands off". It is important to note that the investors have never received one dime from their investment, not even a cup of coffee! Some investors have "given" their share(s) to PAII (some taking a tax deduction erroneously thinking their "gift" was tax deductible).
Within the past year it was determined that PAII was having financial difficulty and the Board of Managers of DIA found it necessary to step in and do their best to help PAII through these difficult times so that it could continue to serve the innkeeping industry.
Several years ago, PAII established BETTER WAY TO STAY and many innkeepers, vendors and friends contributed to this worthwhile endeavor. Subsequently, PAII, without any authorization, established a separate corporation and moved funds from PAII into this new corporation. This corporation, Innkeeping Foundation, had been established as "not for profit" with a separate Board of Directors and no direct ties to PAII. The DIA Board of Managers insisted that these funds be returned to PAII and put into a restricted escrow account to be used solely for the purposes for which they were raised. It is important to note that although the new corporation was incorporated as "not for profit", it was not tax exempt, nor had tax-exempt status even been applied for. Although not purposefully deceptive, DIA did not think this was proper.
Knowing that this transition could be controversial, Jay K. was working on a statement to be shared with the members, feeling that news of the Board changes should come from him. In the meantime, however, Jay decided to resign and submitted his resignation on December 30th. The PAII Board and DIA were as surprised as anyone and not prepared for this development. Although not what the Board had anticipated, we knew that Jay had thought this through and was doing what he felt was in his best interest and that of his family. Jay is still President and CEO of PAII and will remain so until March 30, 2014. However, the PAII Staff and the PAII Board of Directors are covering his duties.
The degree of financial concerns should not be understated. PAII has many ambitious and worthwhile programs all geared to serving the innkeeping industry. In order to continue these programs, however, money must be raised. This is why it is so important that contributions to BETTER WAY TO STAY be robust. All B&Bs and Country Inns benefit from the increased exposure brought to us by programs funded by BETTER WAY TO STAY. Individual inns and B&B associations are beginning to realize real dividends from this national exposure. It is imperative that PAII continue these programs, but it can only do so with your help.
As many have stated, Jay was the face and voice of PAII and will be sorely missed.However, one of Jay's greatest assets is his organizational ability and Jay leaves PAII with an exceptional staff that is more than capable during this transition period.
The PAII Staff and Board of Directors are looking forward to another fantastic Conference and are anxious to welcome you to Charleston!
Pete Holladay.
What I take from this:
  1. Funds were misappropriated
  2. DIA is looking for more money to run BWTS (see #1)
  3. The BOD is still in place and Jay is doing nothing as they are doing his job.
  4. Someone isn't telling the real story
Madeleine said:
What I take from this:
  1. Funds were misappropriated
  2. DIA is looking for more money to run BWTS (see #1)
  3. The BOD is still in place and Jay is doing nothing as they are doing his job.
  4. Someone isn't telling the real story
From what I understand the board of directors have left PAII November 22. I don't know if they left or were let go. From what I understand the four who own PAII through DIA are now the "board of directors". But I'm not sure I really understand anything.
I'll try and fill you all in as I attend the conference. But I am NOT the best to report as I have avoided any kind of corporate or business games my entire career. I don't read people or situations well. That's why I've always been in the restaurant/hotel service industry. People there are more open from my experience.
egoodell said:
I'll try and fill you all in as I attend the conference. But I am NOT the best to report as I have avoided any kind of corporate or business games my entire career. I don't read people or situations well. That's why I've always been in the restaurant/hotel service industry. People there are more open from my experience.
The reason I think you are a rock star Riki! I love that about you.
I will let sleeping dogs er snakes lie for the moment as well. Money is a corrupting force, says the girl who lives down the road from the nation's capitol...