I have emailed her that today to replay to her email (, I have not heard back yet ).. I am the assistant Innkeeper to her...but I'm the one that is going to live there 24/7. She basically said she wants to "train" me so that next year I can do everything by myself ... I.e. bookings, handle problems. Like if she goes on vacation or has an emergency she wouldn't have any other worry. She has in the past just hired seasonal "summer" people ..but she wants a person that can be there full time ..year round and she doesn't have to keep explaining the process to many people ..and again overtime less stress on her.
I am not the cook, she does continital breakfast.. bagels, coffee, muffins etc .. but I can cook vegan meals, I know to look for gluten free products if someone is gluten free etc if she ever does want to do hot meals.
I'll be helping with housekeeping at first when I get up there and if they need help throughout the season.. but there are main housekeepers.
I don't know the reservation system..she says she wants to train me and help me learn the system so next season .. I can do it on my own and she will have confidence and no worries
I have never been to the area. But, I have researched the inn and it's website. The surrounding inns..the area.. things to do..places to see. Places near by like other beach towns I have researched. I know the Inn and it's history ... Best restaurants (according to Google) for kids/family.. for a younger person ..ect.
Yep I have studied the inn website inside and out (wrote down as an outsider looking at the website pros and cons and why to fix spice it up)... I'm not going to tell her any of that straight up of course but if she asked me in which ways can she improve the website I'll already have it written down.
Ohh okay. She has given me what a "typical " day would look like kinda thing (I asked her that ) .. I know everyday Is never the same .
Those are all good questions. Thank you I'll right those down. My other question for her is (it may seem foolish )but NJ especially where I am going on the coast has gotten hit by some hurricanes.. some more major than others... What is the procedure in that kind of scenario... Who do I call if we need to relocate guests for some reason ( like an evacuation)... Do we have a back up generator? Etc. Where I live in MD we don't usually get hit very hard with hurricanes.. so I have never had that experience in my life... So I wanna be as prepared as I can because if I'm not prepared when the time comes I'll be freaking out and I don't want to freak out the guests who are probably freaking too. (If that makes sense).
Thanks for replying