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It is NOT Bob Newhart! I have 3-rooms and can handle it alone POSSIBLY because I am not in a tourist mecca. 9 rooms REQUIRES housekeeping staff at the very least. One thing many have "groaned" about is finding decent (or ANY) housekeeping staff. The real work starts after the guests leave - laundry, flipping rooms, doing the dishes.... AND in the middle of all this will be the "dead air" and robo calls.

I am not trying to dissuade you. just trying to be realistic.

Remember , I have 3 rooms. I am also City Clerk in my City (it is not a full-time job here). Yesterday was an oddball Council night mandated by State Code. I had 1 room arriving, asked them to arrive before 6 which they did. HOWEVER, I got a call for another room during the morning. OK, he arrived early in the day which worked for me. BUT I also had a meeting at City Hall and setting up the meeting room and guests told me where they were going today so I created an itinerary for them making me later than planned for going to bed. One room wanted a 7 AM breakfast and the other 9 AM so I was up at 5:30. By 11 AM breakfasts were done and dishes started. Got upstairs to flip the room and turn off heat. Rain kept the laundry from getting done - I hang sheets out. Days will go from being a piece of cake to hell in a basket in 5 minutes. Staff will no-show or quit to add to your workload.. I am behind on social media and entering expenses. I forgot a kid was coming to cut what I call a hayfield - my side yard that I cut last week - and was at a meeting when he came. With luck, he will get back tomorrow or Friday - IF it does not rain again.

IF you go in with open eyes that it is NOT just greeting guests and doing the office stuff and cooking, you will NOT have weekends off - that is when guests come - holidays will not exist, not will family graduations, weddings, and even funerals because you will have reservations on the books when they happen. With notice, you can block reservations - but funerals do not give you prior notice. December 2016 my brother died and I ended up being designated to settle the estate and while I was doing that MY husband decided it was time to die in March of 2017.  We cope and move on - I had guests 4 days later - it was income!

IF this does not turn you away, WELCOME to the hardest job you will ever love. BTW: I celebrate 25 years in July.
