With online reservations..
LB is right..if you don't have on line reservations...you are really missing the boat. You must have it today to be competitive. Otherwise, leave a message on your voice mail to go on line to make a reservation. or as you say...send an email. That is the best you can do.
We are a spa and Inn and this means online
res form willnot work, as I have to schedule the spa services if we were straight accommodations it would be easy and I could just block out when we are away
We do not take overnight guests while we are away just do day spas. Since most of our guests are on a package, I need to talk to them so I can schedule spa services etc.,
Last year I had someone returning the phone calls but she did not know our packages and it is just easier for me to do it myself
The magic jack plugs into your computer and I can make calls from Cabos without paying longdistance fees, so I can ask the guests to send a e mail and phone number and I will call them back, if they do not have email they can leave a message and I will get it.
If someone calls to our magic jack number it is free and it also generates an email when they leave a message as they are calling threw the internet
For the kind of service you are trying to provide while you are away, can you hire someone local now and train them well before you leave? If not, give the Magic Jack thing a try before you go to see how it works. And make sure it works 'out of the country'.
Hi I am going to buy the magic jack and try it out and learn about it , I have a girl who will come in and take care of the house, shovel the walkways etc and she can mail out gift certificates etc while I am away
She can call me and I can call her on the magic jack or email and I have a direct payment terminal, so she can take payment while she is here daily on reservations and gift certificates.
If someone is going to return phone calls I would prefer to do it as I know the packages and it is no big deal to do it, just want to be able to do it without hi longdistance fees
Believe me for 2 months I will not be sitting by the pool all day or on the beach. We go away as my husband does not like winter and
we went to Costa Rica last winter and Thailand the winter before, we choose Cabos this year as it is a more temperate climate and I do not like the heat and humidity of some other places
I cannot call forward my cell phone or we would have unbelievable roaming fees, I need something like magic jack that does not cost anything except the $60 for the jack
I found a forum on the magic jack and it is used in Afganistan by the enlisted to call home and had great reviews, works well all you need is a hi speed connection and your computer turned on I have a notebook for travelling