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  I applaud you!  I have worked at places that sound exactly like this and it always freaks me out!  Do these people not clean and how are they getting away with it!?  I try to leave a place in better shape than when I got there and some places it is hard to do and other places - piece of cake. 

  Just recently I left a note for the owner saying that if I had started cleaning properly it would have taken me 3 days.  I told him to retrain his cleaning person (I knew he had one, but since I was there it was my job)  I told him the rooms were as "guest ready" as when I arrived.  Of course I didn't know how bad they were until after the guests checked out.  I was embarassed for myself - I took it as a reflection on me since I was the person they were seeing.

  Now I get to a place in time to go into rooms b4 guests arrive so I can fix any glaring problems.

  Yes, I think bugs can get into a bed when sheets are left on there too long...that is why I posed that question earlier - I just didn't know if anyone did anything about it.
