As innkeepers -- especially busy innkeepers at peak season -- do you have a plan for how you would handle an emergency that required you to leave your B&B and your guests at a moment's notice? You can plan ahead for a surgery, but what about a heart attack? What if a close relative became ill and died unexpectedly? What if there was simply no choice but to lock the door and leave your business behind?
Owners and innkeepers of a B&B were recently recovering from a busy weekend when her father became very ill. Admitted to the hospital on Sunday, he died on Wednesday, On Saturday, she was doing a memorial service instead of playing hostess to a house full of guests.
On that first Sunday when she realized the seriousness of her father's illness, she looked ahead to the coming week and decided to give herself the gift of some extra time. She figured that whatever happened, she would have neither the time nor the energy to be a full-time innkeeper during the busy week ahead. So she called on Innsitters, whom she had trained in previously (thanks to another Inn-sitters recommendation).
"I always wondered what I would do if I had a real emergency come up" the owner said. "With elderly parents, the thought was never far from my mind".
"We have used a few innsitters over the nearly four years we've had the B&B. We've been comfortable enough leaving our 'baby' in other folks' hands to take time away for the infrequent weekend or vacation".
"I say 'comfortable enough', because I have to admit I'm never 'completely' comfortable. You pour your heart and soul into building the business and you know your success can be jeopardized by turning it over to someone else who is bound to do things differently. And then, I'm never sure I've told them everything they need to know for every last contingency."
The point is, they were prepared. They had already experimented with innsitters and had some they trusted who knew the inn and could step in at a moment's notice.
"We are so thankful they were available to take over during a crisis. It was incredibly helpful that they already knew our routines and expectations. They do their best to offer the same experience guests would have if we were here".
Do they do everything exactly as we would? Probably not, but they try very hard to do so. They take their role very seriously. Our guests always give them lots of compliments."
The moral of the story? Don't wait to hire an innsitter until you have to hire an innsitter. It's good for your mental and emotional well being -- and you can train and try out your temporary replacements when there's no pressure.