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In my experience, 2 laptops in 5 years is about right or better than average.  I buy lots of computers and we don't expect laptops to last much more than 18 months. We used to have a rotation of 3 years for desk tops but have gone to 5 year rotation on desktops by buying the extentended warranty out to 5 years.

We also have a Dell contract and everything I buy is Dell which includes servers.  We have had a few problems, but not that many and service for us has been pretty good.

A few years ago, I let 3 people buy IBM laptops because they wanted them.  All 3 had to be returned due to problems.

People that buy Mac's really love them and don't seem to have much problem with them.  I only buy 2 Mac's and keep them around so people can test software on them. Have had no problems with the 2 we have.

Sometimes the Dell has problems in the beginning and it is frustrating, but once working well, we usually don't have more problems unless it is disk and they replace them.  We require disk backups weekly. If you haven't backed up, do it now.
