Minor repairs, re-caulk around shower stalls and one sink. Completely replace the full bed in the apartment with a new queen bed. The bed came two days ago. Now need time to go find the right mattress for it (any ideas? - we've used the cost club in the past and have been very happy. A friend used them fairly recently, and not so much. I checked their online offerings and was unimpressed with the reviews)
Alter the kitchen door handle so I can just push it open without having to use a hand to turn the knob. That will save some seconds during breakfast service.
New guest fridge for upstairs. I love the look of the one we have. It's an old woodgrain look one and goes unobtrusively with the decor, but it is too noisy in its old age. One guest tried to unplug it and only managed to unplug the hot water dispenser. Time for it to retire somewhere else. I wish they still did the woodgrain look for the finish, but all is still that stainless look that has managed to hang on for a decade longer than I thought it would. Having said that - my kitchen counters, range and sink are stainless, but it really is a commercial kitchen!
Very soon, some major work on our bulkhead. Some earth has washed away from the inside due to the way it was originally constructed. A very good local excavator is coming in the next few weeks to dig back, install a new barrier then backfill. Then we can finally finish the landscaping on the edge - shrubs that will allow a good view of the water, plus keeps the kids and dogs away from the edge. It can be pretty steep at low tide.
Plant a different shrub that the neighbor gave us - and has been sitting in a pot for (shame-faced) months. The place where it is going has to be properly prepped. a job for me, since neither DH or our mower can do because of health problems. It will be a full day job, and as only you folks will understand, there hasn't been a full day since sometime in April.
Then finally, the vacation apartment in a nearby city will be done, in time for winter. I have managed to miss this entire season! Arks gave some good advice on door locks, but I haven't even gone there yet. DH's son came a couple of weeks ago and did a lot of the finish punch list type things I haven't been able to get to, so we're closing in on getting it done. Some painting was left undone, we still have to install a vent and fan hood over the kitchen stove, and no doubt I'll see more punch list type stuff I forgot to ask to be done, but the end is in sight.