If a b&b accepts pets and children, we won't stay there. We like animals and children, but both bring with them a different level of noise and activity like running and jumping that we just don't think adds to our vacation/relaxation..
My new no no for where I stay is innkeeper pets on the loose. After dodging a 'yappy dog' that spent most of its time trying to bounce off me to look out the living room window and its bigger companion barking everytime someone rang the bell (at midnight) and at us everytime we entered the building, I won't stay if the innkeepers allow the pets in the common spaces.
I'd prefer no guest children. And if the innkeepers can't clean the place properly, no guest pets, either.
I would rather keep our girl under wraps but she is constantly requested, esp at breakfast. I'm out numbered, guests win. She is all but silent though and never jumpy, except for the soulful eyes trying to Jedi-mind-trick you into dropping a piece of sausage on the floor you wouldn't even know she was there.
I was very proud of her last week, we had a teenager with autism here and the Mom had told us at check-in that he probably wouldn't like the dog because he had been bitten by a German Shepherd. So we kept her out of the common areas, but he saw her in the yard and said she was pretty. So his Mom asked if he wanted to meet the dog and he said yes. Our girl was so sweet, she is very timid by nature so she approached him slowly and he approached her slowly and by the end of the two day visit they were best buds. Good doggie ambassador.