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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. S

    Question: When is Enough

    Wow Willowpond, thank you so much for the encouraging words. You have grasped our points and see where we are coming from. Thank you for understanding. I do hope do get back into this business when I am a bit older and have more experience(and some money to start an Inn).
  2. S

    Question: When is Enough

    Have we been "outed"? I can't find the post that shows that. We actually are quite good at innkeeping and have only received 5-star reviews since we have been here, bringing our ranking up quite a bit. I am sorry you found my wife's blog offensive, we are burnt out as you can see. She was...
  3. S

    Question: When is Enough

    Hello, Once again, great comments. Thank you all for listening and understanding what we are going through. I will address a few things. As far as leverage goes, it doesn't really count for much. We don't really have any power to change our situation. Our owner seems to think this is the...
  4. S

    Question: When is Enough

    Hello all, Let me start by saying thanks to all who have responded. Your advice has been great, although some a little harsh. But many of you are right, we are young, and have not experienced near as much as older innkeepers. I do think we were hired because of our customer service...
  5. S

    Question: When is Enough

    Greetings, I just recently found this website and am loving it. Here is my issue/question, Should I end my career as an innkeeper? Let me give you some background. We have only been doing this for the last 7 months and started out really loving it. New people, making breakfasts, a vacation...