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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. nanhinchliff

    Thinking about starting a B&B -- Help Please.

    This is a great idea. When I first started, I had a mentor, who owned a B&B a few blocks from me. She was so helpful. Eventually I joined the local B&B association, who are very supportive; I'm still a member. Also, the suggestion to go to an aspiring innkeepers workshop is good, and many of the...
  2. nanhinchliff

    Hot Sheets! Alexander Basek asks: Who should be greener, hotels or their guests?

    In 15 years, I have never had a guest ask me for clean sheets every day, although I would consider it for $250 a night! I really think it's ridiculous though, very few people chage their own sheets that often. At our Inn, we change them every three days; the towels every other day; and the...
  3. nanhinchliff

    Are Yellow Page Ads Antiquated in This Day and Age?

    I've been in business 15 years and haven't placed an ad in the yellow pages in around 12 years. No one here in Louisville does. We are all over the internet and googling will bring us all up on the internet. It's a technological world!!
  4. nanhinchliff


    I know exacly what you mean I run my business by myself and I am in my 70s, which doesn't make it any easier. This is my second career and I've been trying to retire again for the past couple of years, but having trouble selling my house. It's big and it's expensive, although not so much so...
  5. nanhinchliff

    Pretend you are a business guest...

    Sorry, but I got this one! We get a lot of business repeat customers, as we are in a city of over a million and 5th in the US for conferences and trade shows. There is a lot of competition with the hotels for business traffic, so this is what we offer our business visitors, and I would love it...
  6. nanhinchliff

    New Marketing Ideas for 2009

    This is exactly what we do Also, I hire Culinary Arts students from a local university and a lot of them like to do this sort of thing. They are very at home in the kitchen and love to try new things, like creating the kind of food required in Victorian Tea service. They also help with the...
  7. nanhinchliff

    New Marketing Ideas for 2009

    I totally agree! I try to use pictures with every post, if possible. And videos and links, of course
  8. nanhinchliff

    New Marketing Ideas for 2009

    What is the URL for this blog? I'd love to see it too. I reada lot of blogs. It's a good idea, especially for those who are just beginning to blog. You can learn a lot, especially from the good ones
  9. nanhinchliff

    New Marketing Ideas for 2009

    We only do a Tea when we get a call for one. Then, we schedule it at a time that is convenient for both the customer and ourselves. Many times a group will come here from a small nearby town and stay all night, so we can combine our teaparties with the B&B business. We customize all our Teas and...
  10. nanhinchliff

    New Marketing Ideas for 2009

    Your audience is whoever you decide it to be. Repeat customers, of course are good, cause you can contact them about your new blog. New customers, I'm sure would be more that welcome. You can write about anything!. I noticed JunieBJones joked about my writing about Tractor Pulls. But I get tons...
  11. nanhinchliff

    A guest votes.

    Duh. Stupid me... I don't get it?????
  12. nanhinchliff

    A guest votes.

    If you found my mom on Twitter you be the only one of two people who have ever stunned me into silence... Who was the other one? Arf Arf!! Yeah, the two of you were standing together with a tall gentleman............Did you forget?
  13. nanhinchliff

    A guest votes.

    Swirt: Been doing this for 15 years and no one has ever peed on my comforters. Guess there's always a first time! BTW, I read the article you gave me, Thanks, it was very good.........
  14. nanhinchliff

    A guest votes.

    Bre, I found you and your mom on Twitter. I am now following you. I'm sure your mom did a great job on redecorsating the room. Your house is beautiful............nan
  15. nanhinchliff

    New Marketing Ideas for 2009

    I write about anything and everything related in someway to my bed and breakfast on my InnNotes blog: It could be the cookbook I just finshed working on for the Bed and breakfast Assoc. of Ky, it could be non-gluten food, for my Celiac repeat guests, it could be the...
  16. nanhinchliff

    New Marketing Ideas for 2009

    I will definitely be using blogging, from now on. I started two blogs two months ago and already they have begun to generate some interest from readers. I was told by several seasoned bloggers that it takes a year or so to get your blog "out There" on the internet and start receiving a decent...