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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. alias annie

    Lifestyle Inn for sale

    Good News! We have a buyer and will close on Nov 1st. Jim and I will stay on for Jim to complete his recovery (he had bypass surgery 9/23) probably until 1st of December. And then we are off to Hot Springs, Arkansas for grandkid time and retirement!
  2. alias annie

    There’s nothing to eat!

    the worst kids we had behavior-wise were our grands... running up and down the stairs.... nipped that in the bud!
  3. alias annie

    Hotels moving away from daily cleanings...

    No turndown service, no mid-stay housekeeping. We will replenish bath linens as needed when asked. If they have trash, they will leave outside their room door. Guests don't mind and appreciate that we are mindful of their and our health.
  4. alias annie

    What are your marketing efforts worth?

    the price for the residence is priced according to current properties, but that doesn't include the furniture and business.
  5. alias annie

    Lifestyle Inn for sale
  6. alias annie

    What are your marketing efforts worth?

    Just curious as we have our inn on the market. I like the option of "make us an offer that we can't refuse" as opposed to conveying it in the sale. We have a fabulous website, on many directories, social media, goodwill, etc.
  7. alias annie

    Hard to know where to look

    We had out these temporary tattoos for those with skin illustrations - guests get a kick out of them
  8. alias annie

    Internet TV?

    Love these grandchildren and their talent! and he actually reads the manuals?? OMG
  9. alias annie

    Internet TV?

    We need to find a teenager to come and set us up as we are not tech savvy at all!
  10. alias annie

    How to antagonize Guests in 5 minutes flat

    We are a non-profit, but not on purpose.... does that count?? ;)
  11. alias annie


    We have a little nest egg via a barter club that we can apply to the moving costs. We are having fun looking at properties online, but understand that they won't be available when our place sells.
  12. alias annie

    Ready to retire!

    Thanks for the suggestion about earnest money. The first showing may be interested but is not very realistic - we are a lifestyle operation. Getting rich is not going to happen. Plus they want to change part of the property into monthly rentals. The second showing was just curious couple with...
  13. alias annie

    Never thought I would get it - Pass me the Baton

    I worst behaved children staying were our grandchildren! fortunately, they heard Granny plainly and stopped stomping up and down the stairs (that is a fun noise to make). And we had no other guests here.
  14. alias annie

    Ready to retire!

    It could take 2 months to 2 years to sell... being patient with the process. We have our first showing tomorrow afternoon.
  15. alias annie

    Ready to retire!

    We finally made the decision to leave the B&B business! We are in our 14th year and have loved most everything about it! But we are ready to spend time with our grandkids.
  16. alias annie

    Who opened the flood gates??

    We used to just use holidays, anniversary dates, birthdays to give to guests, but this past year we are using the last 4 of phone numbers. It's hard to keep up with who is been entered and not, so when we get a break in guests, I will just empty and re-enter our code.
  17. alias annie

    Look Up!

    We had an older guest call us from his room to come take something off the hook behind the door... He says they aren't mine.... It was thongs. ewwwww!! Hubs removed them with gloved hands and into plastic trash. Left the room very red faced as he forgot to check behind the door when he did...
  18. alias annie

    Who opened the flood gates??

    We have had wedding party guests this weekend and last. Med student, power line student, and military guests will be keeping us steady for a while during the week. The weekends are hit or miss with guests.
  19. alias annie

    Let the season begin!

    Fortunately, the PPP program gave the opportunity to double up on our pillow protectors, mattress covers, and blankets. We also are continuing to block rooms 24 hrs between guests. That window to flip rooms between check-out and check-in is too much for us oldsters. We will electively undo...
  20. alias annie

    Where do YOU eat?

    We have a sitting room, bedroom and bath for our quarters and share the kitchen and laundry with the business. We eat in our sitting room mostly