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  1. R

    Excuse me....

    I think I should take some cooking lessons from you! I can cook the basics but I am trying new recipes now but they have to be simple! Congrats on your wins.
  2. R

    Baking Bacon?

    I might have missed this but when you cook your bacon in the oven you put it on your broiler pan? Do you cover it at all? If you don't does it not make a huge mess?
  3. R

    the glamorous life

    That is so cute! Happy Birthday!
  4. R

    Hi Swirt,

    Your advice for websites is great and I hope the women doing mine does not get miffed because I sent her the link so she can view it.
  5. R

    Pictures at last

    I am curious. Do you all take your own pics or hire someone?
  6. R

    Pictures at last

    No you are correct that was not ours with the sturgeon although we do have some of those in our local waters(I have never seen one). Our own web site is being worked on. I am going to change the pics eventually but kind of rushed to get something on. If you click the pic you can get a better idea.
  7. R

    Pictures at last

    Well I am finally on a site. If anyone out there is interested you can go to and see our B&B finally. Our set up on the site is not complete but its a start.
  8. R

    cranky guests

    Thanks and I guess you don't want the cranks to ruin every ones day!
  9. R

    cranky guests

    I am hoping this nursing course on relationships I took last spring will help me with the crotchety ones. Then again I can also kill them with kindness--that'll fixem! One thing I have to learn is how to be "perky in the morning".I'll be ok as long as I get up early and drink a pot of strong...
  10. R

    cranky guests

    My husband and I owned a healthclub for 12 years and a restaurant for 5. We have seen our share of cranky people. Sometimes it was really hard not to blast them but we bit our tongue and said over and over in our head the customer is always right. Well we are not taking reservations just yet but...
  11. R

    Need a new toaster

    I also have a Krupps expresso and coffee maker--I love them--I don't know why the toaster they make is a dud. I think I will pawn it off on one of my daughters--I paid a lot for it and it just kills me that its so terrible.
  12. R

    Need a new toaster

    We have a 4 slot(individual) Krups and although its suppoesed to be very good I find my old Black and Decker better.Go figure!
  13. R

    "Where's the room?"

    As a nurse I worked psychiatry for a number of years andI would suggest that that man and his wife need to seek out some counselling--life is too short to apparently be that miserable.
  14. R

    Hurricane Ike

    On behalf of all Canadians our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the path of Ike.
  15. R

    Merchant statement

    I haven't got my machine yet but I think I am going through Costco. Right now I can only take cash,cheque(with Id or Travellers Cheques) I really wish that would be enough but I know it won't. Debit is big around here and if you have debit you may as well get Visa and Mastercard--American...
  16. R

    North Carolina

    AHH, North Carolina truly a beautiful state. My husband and I lived there for 3 years while I was there nursing. Sometimes I wished we had stayed but we maritimers get too homesick. We lived in Hickory and then in Statesville. I will definitely look into staying at some B&B's when we take a trip...
  17. R

    Your Star rating

    Makes you wonder how they get guests in the first place!
  18. R

    Your Star rating

    Hi, I hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for all the congrats! We had some company last evening and they had a tour of our B&B. It can be a pain to go through inspections but there are B&B's out there who give a negative impression. This lady told us of their experience with a B&B(I...
  19. R

    Where is this B&B Shown on b&

    Wow, they must be a 10 for a rating!
  20. R

    Newbie with a question on comforters

    We live in the maritimes and we are using 320+ sheets,duvet and cover plus we keep extra blanklets in the closets. Duvets are great and cozy.