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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. M

    Silliest thing a guest has ever done?

    One guest asked if she could leave before checkout time! Another said she wished she could have a job where you could kick back after breakfast. I said "So would I!"
  2. M

    How early is too early?

    I put it in the refrigerator the night before.
  3. M

    How early is too early?

    When guests want breakfast before 7AM I make them breakfast in a to-go box. It includes ham, hard-boiled eggs from our chickens, fresh fruit, muffins or quick bread, sweet and whole grain bread, butter, jam, and box juice. They love it!
  4. M

    French Toast

    I live on the Big Island of Hawaii and we have three acres that includes a lot of fruit trees. Right now we have guava, rambutan, starfruit, bananas, pineapples and lots of citrus. I'll try the brown sugar with the bananas next time. Thanks for the tip.
  5. M

    French Toast

    I grate fresh nutmeg and also fry banana slices in butter and offer it to guests in addition to syrup. I'm lucky as I have banana trees and often have extras.