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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. M

    Married couple looking to buy an Inn or puchase

    Banks want more than 30% down because so many inns and B&Bs have gone into foreclosure and banks hate to lose money. This business isn't for everyone and I've seen more than a dozen places within 45 minutes of me go into foreclosure in the past ten years. So they are being very cautious about...
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    Owners' pets

    Training will help but if you have a barker and you aren't there it may become a problem. We have two wonderful labs and they never bark when guests are checking in or here in the building so long as we are home. We found out, however, that when we'd go out they would hear a guest in the...
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    Question for the Americans :)

    As long as they aren't open, you're fine. My state owns the liquor stores and I can assure you that surrounding states have many people who fill their trunks to take our less expensive wine and liquor home.
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    Choosing the right Chart of Accounts...

    No offense taken, but you shouldn't judge people because they don't do things the way you believe is correct related to accounting. As far as financing goes, the bank wants to see actual tax returns that you signed and filed, anything else really doesn't matter, except of course that pesky...
  5. M

    Choosing the right Chart of Accounts...

    One of the few probably, but I hate QuickBooks. I setup an Excel spreadsheet with the following categories which my accountant said was just fine - do what works for you. Like everything else at a B&B, you can do what you want so long as you're doing it legally. 2015 Sales Figures & Expenses...
  6. M

    Expense or COGS

    I have two housekeepers. All I do is provide the accountant with the total of their pay and my related expenses for employment tax and she takes care of it - it shows as a labor cost.
  7. M

    Odd comments or questions

    Here are a few: - We are bringing our road bikes and don't ever leave them outside. Can we bring them into the room. Nope (you can leave them outside the front door under the giant covered area but not bring them inside. (I don't want bikes taking up my entryway and would be horrified if the...
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    Pet Policy

    Breakfast Diva - we are not pet friendly so I can't give my list. But a Google search with bed & breakfast and pet policy brought up tons of places that are and you can peruse their pages and see what jumps out. Most are pretty straight forward lists though, I didn't see any real clever way to...
  9. M

    Do You Keep Emails

    We've been open 10 years and I have a a folder marked the name of the B&B and general stuff goes in there that I want to save. Then I have a subfolders: - Cancellations and/or issues - Receipts (I keep all email confirmation receipts here until I do the next year's taxes and then I print them...
  10. M

    How much do you cook in advance?

    Two of us and up to 18 guests. Bacon cooked and held in warming drawer (if you have room for only a toaster oven you can hold it in there or regular oven at 200 degrees); soufflés in oven at 8am sharp to be ready for 8:30 (we serve 8:30 to 9:30) and they hold well in warming drawer in case...
  11. M

    Brace yourself: TA is changing its ranking algorithm again

    People are funny. My husband tells the guys who seem against having a frittata that it's basically scrambled eggs with potatoes and cheese and instead of scrambling up it's baked into pie shape. They eat it and most love it.
  12. M

    Unwanted guests

    I would start by saying that you've put new policies in place over this past year and that you'd be happy to send them a rental agreement. In it outline the new rates, the damage deposit required, etc. If they won't sign it then good riddance. (I say that of course unless you really need the...
  13. M

    Brace yourself: TA is changing its ranking algorithm again

    Good job on that one. A few months after I began I started seeing guests not eating the meat and some picking it out of the quiches. So I no longer ever put meat in a dish (even though I really want to). It's always on the side and that way if someone pops up and says they are vegetarian then...
  14. M

    Brace yourself: TA is changing its ranking algorithm again

    I will always aim to be #1 because that's my personality and if I have that goal set for everyday I wake up then even if I only attain 95% of that today, I'm doing good. If someone isn't happy with their stay, so be it. But to the rest of the public, there are many who do want to stay at a...
  15. M

    Another TA Article (LONG but worth it)

    There are good and bad with everything. I have a business listing and another inn with one quarter the reviews that I have came up ahead of me (and I have the most and the most 5 star). So having the business listing does not give you preferential placement. Now she does link up with all of...
  16. M

    I earned my week off (warning - long)

    Pull out your voodoo doll and have a party with it while enjoying a good stiff drink! (Oh maybe that's just me who has one! If so, you can live vicariously through me, just envision it, it's sure to put a smile on anyone's face.) Enjoy your time off, you more than earned it.
  17. M

    Question about opening a B&B while having children at home

    Hope he sees it as construction input rather than trying to scare him off - if you ask input from people who have lived it, you should pay attention to it. Obviously they need to do what they want for their family, but I can't think of anyone who would want to stay at a B&B where a 3 year old...
  18. M

    Question about opening a B&B while having children at home

    We have a large B&B with a full apartment for us and our kids over the garage - no access from guest side to our family's space. And this still was extremely hard with a 3 & 5 year old that need to just be kids. I can't imagine anyone doing this with guests in the rooms next door. Kids get up...
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    Do I want to Innkeep again

    Make a list of what you are expected to do. Figure out how many hours you'll be working -- be sure you see real numbers for occupancy, etc. Ask lots of questions on workload like: (1) do they do lots of one night stays; (2) are they busy year round or is it more seasonal; (3) how much...
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    Once more around this annoyance

    We have the smoking station outside in the parking area and it did stop butts on ground and from being brought in. Only problem was the stupid guy who shoved his empty packs in there and started a little fire so I saw smoke billowing out the top. Went out with a cup of water and poured it in...