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  1. Happy Keeper

    First Fraud

    I love the intrigue but i couldn't quite figure out the sequence of events. Better yet, I was hoping to hearing the final outcome!
  2. Happy Keeper

    First "No Shows"

    I suppose a "no show means different things to different innkeepers. To me, a 'no show is a guest who does not contact you before arrival, does not arrive, and does not contact afterwards to explain they have been stuck on the tarmac for 16 hours, or buried in a blizzard for three days, and...
  3. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    geez... this is so way off my own topic... but if only I could sit down with J.B. and find out the truth about what is going on at Home A... might be fascinating for an innkeeper.
  4. Happy Keeper

    Analytics and Stats

    Ahhh...the passion Even I, the website wizard who can barely figure out what half the terms mean, can attest to the sage wisdom and advice of our host. I think of my statistics as the, "there when you need them" assest that makes it feel like we have a marketing and research department.
  5. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    I can't thank you enough! This is exactly what I needed to hear about.
  6. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    THIS IS HUGELY HELPFUL and exactly what I want to know about.
  7. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    Jumping in on this- What you descibe above is very important because it allows a guest to reserve and confirm a reservation ON THEIR TIME in a matter of moments. When I reserve online, I want a confirmation so that I can forget about it and move on to something else. I did my part and when I get...
  8. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    We have instant confirmation set up. It has to be able to reserve and confirm automatically. Sounds like it can.
  9. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    Well this is good information. IF I can take a secure reservation online in real time (it goes automatically into the Reservation system) and can send out an automatic confirmation, that is a good thing. That is what happens now with Rez GT. Me thinks I would need to disable Rez GT so that I...
  10. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    AHHH! That's one thing that is different. We do not currently charge a deposit at the time of reservation. However, we could do that on our Costco credit card machine once the information came to us . RESERVATION GT does not do any processing for us, they just pass it through to us on a secure...
  11. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    HHHMMM... that's an interesting thought. Wonder if I could have both on their for a short time, just to see what I think. What I can't get over is the price difference... so what is the actual flat rate monthly for a five room inn with two users and real time online booking. Is it really $18.99...
  12. Happy Keeper

    Comparing Rez GT with Rez Key

    After good comments were posted here regarding Rez Key, I am taking a look at it and trying to do a more specific comparison with our existing Rez GT. Does anyone here have experience with both? Has anyone gone from Rez GT to Rez Key? Ha anyone who has Rez GT done a Rez Key trial? I did contact...
  13. Happy Keeper

    Looking for Innkeeper Couple NH

    That's my point (I think). We own and operate and we have help. Duties and responsibilites are limited and clear for our help. We do everything else with no boundries. As an employee, there would have to be boundries. How else could you measure your performance? You could be working your b--t...
  14. Happy Keeper


    Macys Charter Club Damask Strip- No wrinkles- no ironing- not cheap-
  15. Happy Keeper

    Looking for Innkeeper Couple NH

    Well, looks good at first glance- Second look turned up lots of "jack of all trades" descriptions that would really need to be sorted out in advance. Might be a great fit for someone.
  16. Happy Keeper

    Directory Listing -

    Amen to that! Nothing more annoying than seeing those directories taking away valuable real estate and paying them to do it. We have tossed `em all out the door, including the most horrific, "pay us to destroy your business, drive traffic away from you to our money makers, and obscure your...
  17. Happy Keeper


    dansk 18/10 bistro pattern (Heavy, plain and flat with know sharp edges- except the knife )
  18. Happy Keeper

    You know you're an experienced innkeeper when...

    Your house is immaculate, you could eat off your guest room floors, and your private quarters look like a tornado blew through a Costco warehouse!
  19. Happy Keeper

    Interview about Trip adviser! by ME!

    Ceeb? is this the BBC?
  20. Happy Keeper

    Some notes from PAII conference

    This is very nice of you to share. I have added it to my review papers. I get to them when we come into slower times. Thanks