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  1. swirt

    What happened here?

    No updates yet.
  2. swirt

    What happened here?

    There is still an ongoing issue with the hosting. They are trying to resolve. The site is running off a copy of the database that is 3 days old. When the issue is resolved, the data MIGHT come back... the problem is, it will wipe out anything that is newly posted now. No clever way to merge...
  3. swirt

    What happened here?

    And is it just comments or original posts too that are missing?
  4. swirt

    What happened here?

    I'll have to dig into it and see what happened. But can't do it right now. Either the dates are just goofy and misleading, or some data got lost... wondering if there was a database rollback. If anyone message or two sitting in their email box that contains a missing comment that I could use...
  5. swirt


  6. swirt


    A little late on this. Thank you Seashanty for being ever so patient and gracious, and your kind wonderful self. :)
  7. swirt

    Search Engine Ad saying No Availability - when they know nothing

    That's great that the wording got changed to at least do no harm. Still an awful user experience. Again, they know they have no data, why present the user with two date pickers when they know there is no data? It gains them nothing but annoyed users.
  8. swirt

    Google FAIL - Google creates horrible user experience

    Posting on your website about it will only annoy your visitors. If people are reading it on your site, they are already where they are supposed to be and it does not effect them. So there is no reason to annoy your visitors about it, stay focused on your users and what they need while they are...
  9. swirt

    Google FAIL - Google creates horrible user experience

    I do think they will fix it because it is a horrible user experience. They will not fix it because businesses whine that it is hurting their business.
  10. swirt

    Google FAIL - Google creates horrible user experience

    Google spends huge amounts of time and energy trying to come up with the best user experience. They usually get it right, but every once in a while they come up with something like this! A person searching for a place to stay by name is presented with a nice "helpful" infobox along the sidebar...
  11. swirt

    Search Engine Ad saying No Availability - when they know nothing

    I'm putting up a very blunt post calling this out. You'll know it when you see it. When it appears, tweet, and share the crap out of it. The way to beat this is not to say how bad it is for the little guy... the way to beat this is to ridicule it for what an awful user experience it is...
  12. swirt

    Search Engine Ad saying No Availability - when they know nothing

    Clever. But I suggest removing it. It is not going to have the effect you desire.
  13. swirt

    Index of blog posts amongst main site

    A blog within the main site is fine. It builds a big empire. The only reason I would argue against it is if the blog serves a separate purpose than the main site. (ex: The main site is for a B&B and the blog is a cooking blog.)
  14. swirt

    Change to terms of use for this site.

    I appreciate the support and the trust... though I find it slightly disturbing that so many are celebrating the creation of a loophole that brings a potential loss of freedom and potential rise of an evil dictator. I have not applied this loophole to anyone, and genuinely hope that I do not...
  15. swirt

    Legitimate? Red Marble email

    I edited the message to remove any contact and date info so you don't violate your own privacy policy. ;)
  16. swirt

    Technical question regarding web Code

    That becoming obsolete link is flawed from the beginning. Frame and frameset were dropped from the html5 spec. Iframe was not. The iframe is alive and well and is still needed for sandboxing content. No div swapping can achieve that.
  17. swirt

    Technical question regarding web Code

    Frames are dated. Iframes are not. They are not really the same animal. The presence of iframes has nothing to do with responsiveness or wordpress. (example: the recommended method for embedding Youtube videos.... iframes.) To the original question... can an ajax call made inside the iframe...
  18. swirt

    Change to terms of use for this site.

    Since I created this site I have done my best to be as fair as possible in what is allowed to appear in the forum and who is allowed to participate. The terms of service for the site has remained unchanged since the site started. Today however after focusing on user behavior for the past...
  19. swirt

    Welcome pack for guests (Feedback needed)

    When used appropriately it is a good thing. Misused, all it does is get my attention ... in a bad way.
  20. swirt

    Welcome pack for guests (Feedback needed)

    Vendors and 'pre - vendors' have always been welcome here as long as they follow the rules. This forum is ME supported and ads help offset that. It is up to me to decide when the line has been crossed and they need to advertise. Slumber Fox is in good standing at this point and is completely...