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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. TinaC

    What do you do when guests show up (11am!) with a small child or infant when your policy clearly states: Children over 10...

    Hey, Highlands John. Thanks for the note! As for the insurance thing, it's a blessing as you can use that when guests try to bend your rules. When applicable, you can always can say your insurance won't cover that.
  2. TinaC

    Ever just feel like breaking down and crying?

    How about creating a welcome area (porch, outdoor gazebo, sitting room or similar) for those early guests to hang out in while they wait for inn to open. Leave out booklets (with your hours of operation lol), nearby dining, shopping, tourist suggestions. This will give a welcome feel to...
  3. TinaC

    What do you do when guests show up (11am!) with a small child or infant when your policy clearly states: Children over 10...

    I'm on your side and if I can help by playing Devil's Advocate, I'm in. Use what you can and leave the rest. As a guest, I am paying good and often big money to stay at a B&B, inn and I look for child-free properties. If I booked expecting quiet, romance, leisure, unwind, I'd have been ticked...
  4. TinaC

    What else to offer?

    Set aside the parlor, a room where the vets can hang and talk Military or whatever. Some find it cathartic and need to be able to do that. I remember my dad getting together with his Army buddies where they had a couple beers and rehashed their experiences. As a kid, I didn't get it but...
  5. TinaC

    BnB Star

    Send your spam here [email protected] Shoot the whole e-mail to them so they have all the details. Best!
  6. TinaC

    Celebrate, Celebrate! Hope you'll join me in my moment!

    Thank you, Joey. I love B&B, Inns, mystery and fun. My favorites all wrapped up in one. Have a great fall and winter season! Wish I was there!!
  7. TinaC

    Celebrate, Celebrate! Hope you'll join me in my moment!

    Hi Texan, I am getting word out about the movie. It is based on my 2nd book in the Dead & Breakfast series and is listed on YouTube. As for seeking donations, that's not the sole purpose of the trailer. It is to get the word out, create a buzz, product placement opps for select businesses and...
  8. TinaC

    Celebrate, Celebrate! Hope you'll join me in my moment!

    Thank you, Gillumhouse. Appreciate it! The actors aren't necessarily the ones who will be in the feature. It is a legit mystery with some comedy and should look a little silly. Not Fawlty Towers funny but quirky. Thanks for the comments, everyone. They are helpful.
  9. TinaC

    Celebrate, Celebrate! Hope you'll join me in my moment!

    Please feel free to visit the "adjoining" website at New material is being added regularly. Visit as often as you like. Thanks!
  10. TinaC

    Celebrate, Celebrate! Hope you'll join me in my moment!

    Hope you don't mind me sharing my B&B, Inn movie trailer here. Too good to bury in the closet under all those blankets. I think you'll find it fun! Please pass along to all your B&B buddies and fans for we love that all important buzz which will give the Inn-dustry...
  11. TinaC

    How would you handle this .....

    Or, because that is a two person room, Mr. & Mrs. Inn Goer, I will have to charge you extra for the third person. Or Fire law says I cannot have three people in that sized room but I will gladly move you to a room that can accomodate three. That room costs $XXX.XX a night. Will you be staying...
  12. TinaC

    What to make for breakfast when no one can eat anything??

    Protein shake of almond or rice milk and fruit could be the larger part of their menu.
  13. TinaC

    Prelude To/Country Inn, Dead & Breakfast Series accepted @ world premiere screening @ Palm Beach Women's International Film Fest

    Ah, ha, Compatability View icon actually works towards something useful. Never had to do that on my old 'puter. But hey, thanks for the kudos, congrats and good words, all. I appreciate it and will let you know how we do Arpil 10th.
  14. TinaC

    Prelude To/Country Inn, Dead & Breakfast Series accepted @ world premiere screening @ Palm Beach Women's International Film Fest

    Any positive inn "jazz" is good for the inn-dustry. Screening at the Palm Beach Women's International Film Fest! [/h1]by Tina Czarnota [/td] [/td] [/td] [/td][/td] [/td] [/td] [/td] [/td][/table] Just got word that my mystery spoof, "Prelude To the Country Inn, Dead & Breakfast Series" has...
  15. TinaC

    Has anyone placed Facebook ads and did they work?

    Found 1 of my links to the free ad I mentioned. This paper happens to be in Salem, MA. My ad ran awhile ago (not sure of current guidelines) but you can clik & look around. Ad was in classified, under events/announcements. There are a wide range of topics you can post under...
  16. TinaC

    Has anyone placed Facebook ads and did they work?

    I placed FB ads & found them inexpensive, resulting in quite a few hits. As for activity off these hits, I don't have a way of knowing as contacts, sales etc. are generated through several sources. You folks can ask where guests heard about you. Free online advertising - Hit up your area...
  17. TinaC

    Glogster (poster yourself)

    But then, Claiborne House, you were also clever enuff to do this... And I am running about sharing it with everyone. And those of you who like to sleuth, there's a gray line of text below article. <hint> It's "PG-13 comedie... " Click...
  18. TinaC

    Boor at the table

    Or tell him you had a drawing and he won 1st prize: Innkeeper For A Day! It starts with making breakfast (special orders don't upset us) dishes, then it moves on to linens and then cleaning rooms. Or cleaning rooms then linen. He can pick. Meantime, there's checking in, out, handling...
  19. TinaC

    Boor at the table

    How about having everyone else come down an hour earlier and serve the other an hour later or do in reverse. lol I know, I'm some help but I do feel for you. If anything, this all will make me strive to be a much better guest next time I go inn-ing. P.S. - When I visit a fave inn, I bring...