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  1. TinaC

    The claw foot tub - old fashoned comfort or impractical romantic notion? Discuss

    I love a tub full of bubbles esp. when inn-ing. Usually don't have time for them back home in the real world.
  2. TinaC

    National Country Inn, Bed & Breakfast Day, 2008. First Sunday in Oct.

    Thank you for that, Jcam. It's appreciated. Just hurts when lies are spewed about. Anyway, I'm still searching my files for that article. I'd like to read it again myself. Happiest of holidays to you and yours!
  3. TinaC

    National Country Inn, Bed & Breakfast Day, 2008. First Sunday in Oct.

    Jcam, Inn-deed. Every B&B, Inn can participate and go as big or small as they care to. I'll do the shout-outs. I'll see if I can locate copy of the wonderful article a travel writer did a few years back. The innkeepers who were game (who replied) got a nice paragraph plus size mention on how...
  4. TinaC

    National Country Inn, Bed & Breakfast Day, 2008. First Sunday in Oct.

    Bed and Breakfast Day 2016 FB campaign was a success. We got over 4,000 hits, look-sees etc. To this day, they are still trickling in. Not bad for a low-no budget! Happy holidays!
  5. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    A mini report: B&B, Inn Day ad is doing great! 1,900 hits in day & 1/2 it's still running for another few hours. Ad is targeted to an audience of travelers, higher economics, educated, shoppers, book lovers, 35 and over, etc. I'm sure to check categories that are more apt to being...
  6. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Okay, title of page is Happy B&B, Inn Day-10/2 Just type that in FB field at top and it should take one in to discussion. Hope it works right. Not too late to post. Have innkeepers post name of property, link/web addy, discounts etc. Work it, baby.
  7. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    GillumHouse, we have a winner but now it's up to him to accept and send me contact info. If no, should we just drop it or pick a runner up?
  8. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Nuts! Not sure why the other one didn't come up?? There are two pages, JB. One closed group, the other open to all. I Just left there...tired. I'll repost page title as a link doesn't show, just page name or title. Page is still open and I noted that as such so anyone can go in anytime...
  9. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Happy Country Inn, Bed & Breakfast Day innkeepers, hosts, fans and of course, your wonderful properties...thankfully, many near roads less traveled. Some with cozy nooks for reading fave books. Warm hospitality and great breakfasts. Some allowing little kids and the four footed varieties...
  10. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Totally understood and thanks so much for the offer, Gillumhouse. I'm going to offer it up tomorrow and we'll go from there. I'll see if I can find a nice photo of yours to pop up on the feeds. That okay? Got the one of the kitchen. Looks so inviting. ;-)
  11. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    FB page title, header doesn't seem to want to post. Well, just look for Country Inn, Bed & Breakfast Day Oct 2. Also try, Bed & Breakfast, Inn Day. Either should take you to the site. Post photos of your property, food dishes, note your giveaways if any. Tell the world about your inn, B&B...
  12. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    We're On for Country Inn, B&B Day. I came early one morn, drafted whole update and boom, I lost that work. Had to leave site to get some sleep. Anyway, we're still celebrating the Day, Oct. 2nd. but different from original plans. Ran/running a FB ad, Twitter page, feed. This is Your Day so...
  13. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Haven't fallen off face of the earth but have been placing FB ad, posting on Twitter, FB, conferring w/Small Biz person at office getting advice etc. Well, there were plenty of hits/look sees to the ads and posts. There def. is interest in the Day but other than you folks, myself, there were no...
  14. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Thanks HB! I'll e-mail you when I get to my page. :-)
  15. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Coming Soon, JB. Wanted to make sure I've location locked down before I invest in PO Box. Hoping by this coming Monday I'll have time to get to PO and open one. ;-) Hang onto those gifties, gang. Gonna try to post donation photos or give shout outs on social media. I want offers to let me...
  16. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Hmm? Tried to paste link to the event's Rally page but it's not taking. Anyway, so far we're on Facebook. Look for "We Rally for B&B Country and Boutique Inns and Lodging" page, post. Gang, we need hits, look sees, activity or the effort dies. Do what you can, post thumbs up, etc. The all...
  17. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Try Look under B&B Inn Day 2016. I shortened it to make it easier to find as the site doesn't seem the friendliest to use. They had my page as not approved yet it was. Support may not be the best there. Anyway, not to look a gift horse in the yap, it is somewhat free to...
  18. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Hurry up and wait. :-/ Well, with that and the holiday and waiting to hear confirm, a week's passed by. So, the latest is inn venue is just not getting back. Seemed all interested and then, nada. But I've moved on. Radio interviewer found a poshy restaurant that would love to have us and...
  19. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Thanks for the suggestion, Gillumhouse! Great idea and it makes sense to me. Now to see if FL regs and PTB agree. I'll get with my Small Biz rep after the holiday and see what he says. That would be helpful if it worked. Thanks again. Appreciate it!
  20. TinaC

    National Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day is October 5

    Thank you, JB. Working on getting a PO Box open. Hinges on waiting, waiting for venue to confirm. If no, then I've to float backup plan to radio guy. Meantime, I've started #BBInnDay on Twitter, FB. As there's a need to keep most of planning private, I can't post much on it. Never used #...