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Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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  1. TinaC

    We're On FB!

    Last link I'm going to try. I believe one needs to be logged in first. ;-)
  2. TinaC

    We're On FB!

    Running FB ad for five more days. Following is list of categories, our target audience! Lots of exposure! People Who Match Interests: Hallmark, Service animal, Abyssinian cat, Bed and breakfast, American Cat Fanciers Association, Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, Cat Lovers, Agatha Christie's...
  3. TinaC

    We're On FB!

    Sorry about that, Silverspoon. Sometimes the suffix gets cut off when C&P. See how this one works. When in, post your inn's name and a little about your property etc. Engage and be seen. Thanks SS! Try...
  4. TinaC

    Marketing Agency - Looking For A Marketing Agency That Specializes OR Has Experience With Lodging (B&B)

    Hey BTW and all B&B's looking for FREE exposure! When on FB, click on Bed & Breakfast Mascot Day - Launches 1st Sat. October. or (you do not have to make purchase) and post your B&B's name, a little about your inn to put your property in...
  5. TinaC

    We're On FB!

    Last night we were at over 500 hits and many actions taken. Did I mention this promo is FREE. Calendars available (not required) at nominal fee. ;-)
  6. TinaC

    I have a new name - Great-Granny

    Congratulations, Kathleen and family.
  7. TinaC

    We're On FB!

    145 hits, 25 action taken (potential guests)? Stop by and say Like, Hello, whatever! Be sure to post your property name so they get to know you! Thanks to those who are supporting the cause by Likes, posts etc. Clever bunnies, you getting your name out. ;-)
  8. TinaC

    We're On FB!

    145 hits, 25 action taken (potential guests)? Stop by and say Hello! Be sure to post your property name so they get to know you!
  9. TinaC

    They're Here! 2020 B&B Inn Mascot Calendars On Sale!

    Another site who linked us: Word is getting out. Ride the wave while it's there.
  10. TinaC

    We're On FB!

  11. TinaC

    We're On FB!

    Just In! -- We've a new FB B&B Mascot page and ad running and B&B Fans are finding us! Hop on over and Like, comment, invite them, tell them about your inn to help create that all important buzz. It's free; it's for you. Link below if it posts. Inn-joy...
  12. TinaC

    They're Here! 2020 B&B Inn Mascot Calendars On Sale!

    Just In! We're on FB with a new B&B Mascot Day page and are running an ad for a few days. Several B&B fans already found and Liked it. So, make a presence. Like, comment, etc. It's free. Help create that all important buzz! Inn-joy...
  13. TinaC

    They're Here! 2020 B&B Inn Mascot Calendars On Sale!

    One of several I hope to promo at: Bestsellersworld (site for authors, book lovers) will be doing a short paragraph, link in next newsletter. I'll let you know when it releases. What goes better with B&B inns then books, cozy nooks...and a warmed Grand Marnier. ;-)
  14. TinaC

    You say you are B and B?

    Wouldn't lodge at an airs. It's a sacrilege! lol But really, either you are (B&B) or you're not. Hrmph!
  15. TinaC

    B&Bs For Vets

    Way to go, Gillum House!!
  16. TinaC

    Don't Do It, It's Annoying

    Possible reason for tardiness: many guests are traveling in and depending on road conditions, traffic etc. they're at mercy of flight delays, driver, traffic, weather, grabbing bite at restaurant where waiting line is long etc. Not to make excuses for them but the above may hold a clue. On...
  17. TinaC

    They're Here! 2020 B&B Inn Mascot Calendars On Sale!

    GH, did your calendar order arrive safely? If so, are you happy with it, Calendar Girl. ;-)
  18. TinaC

    They're Here! 2020 B&B Inn Mascot Calendars On Sale!

    Yep! Was all included. Was surprised though that they didn't allow media rate for calendar. A little extra promo thingie - Our mktg. dept. (me), allowed for a few comp'd calendars. Two went to cable news network so-o, all participating inns will be put in front of those anchors and news...
  19. TinaC

    Florida B&B, Inns, an opportunity for you.

    Bada bing! A little extra calendar promo thingie - Our mktg, dept. (me), allowed for a few comp'd calendars. Two went to cable news network so, all participating inns will be put in front of those anchors and news peeps. I was hoping for maybe a little mention on their show(s). Would be a...