The checkout occurred at the correct time but they left with the keys. Everything is stacked in the entryway and the rooms are being deadbolted after cleaning to avoid the 'accidental' use of the bathrooms when they return. Accommodating guests is not a big issue but it is polite to ask in advance of arrival if there are facilities for luggage storage.
A reason we are not really fond of multiple room family stays. They ooze out the door one at a time and you find yourself with one guest left who doesn't know how to contact the others and then he oozes out the door when your back is turned..
Now they are oozing back in. "Where's the bathroom?" being the first question. The TV is on full volume in the guest area and tea is being made. Right at home.
I'm still confused on the 3pm "car"
What does that mean?
They rented a limo to pick them up or a rental car being dropped off at your place?
I have no idea where you are located time zone wise and how many other guests could be checking in or be impacted by their hanging out now, but was any of this ok'ed with you in advance aside from the luggage storage, or was that even "asked" for?
It kind stands to reason that they are linked to their luggage, but the middle of the day is tough for guests in "limbo" like this to be in your way as you try to get stuff done.