I'm planning to come, especially if there'll be a slumber party!We can put a map together with DOTS of the stops along the way.
We are 6 1/2 -7 hours to Charleston from here with stops..
Finally, a conference during a slow month! It seems that every year I've been an innkeeper, it's always been in March. Spring Break? No way. I might just make this one!Knoxville is 5 hours from us. Just giving some drive time perspectives....
Not this year...I think it is in March because of the PAII conf. It is being held in Lancaster PA in 2011The midatlantic conferences are always in Jan as well. They put them in some snowy region which is always ridiculous, and not always off an interstate with easy access. I believe this is one I would like to attend, and hope to! I hope you all can attend too real life innkeepers, imagine that! If you cut me, do I not bleed? ha ha The Real Thang.
If we go we need to get some slogan t's made up...we have too many to put just one on a tshirt now! I will start a new thread on that..
Golly, I hope none of us are cyborg buddies...but that would explain why some of us are much faster at getting the cleaning done and much better at making guests see our point of view...Ch you are going? See how it is! I JUST HAVE TO GET THERE!!!! I have known you for how many years now? We are cyborg buddies.
See having it in a nicer location makes us WANT to go more...Note to the planners of the conferences..
Folks are welcome to stay here with us, even though we're "former" innkeepers. We'll be happy to take care of you. Would love to be included in a reunion, please??We can put a map together with DOTS of the stops along the way.
We are 6 1/2 -7 hours to Charleston from here with stops..
Georgia, but probably too far South for you. :-(Where are you Samster?.